Cries for Help!

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3rd POV:

Izuku was still a small child and a child after a great day of speaking with all kind of people about his most beloved topic, he lost all his energy and got tired. It was his birthday and he was the happiest boy in the whole life until he woke up because of the sound of something shattering.

Little Izuku became curious but after he somehow managed to get out of the bed all he heard was screaming coming from his father.


He didn't understand what was going on. What he did understand was tat his father sounded angry at is mother. Not knowing what was going on but realizing that he was angry about something his mother did and hearing him mention "our son" he knew that his father was angry about his mother because of him.

Now the green bean wanted nothing more than to go and apologies for something he didn't know what he did wrong. So he slowly began walking towards the living room where the screams were getting louder and louder until he saw his father with a knife in his hand.

Izuku: Daddy?

Though he was very little he still understood that what his father had in his hand was a knife and it was dangerous so he decided to call out to him. However he didn't get any respond. So he began walking closer to his father until he saw his mother laying on the ground.

This alone left him completely frozen in place there she was laying on the ground. He saw that she had injured her hand but what happened next left him completely speechless. His father went towards his mother and stabbed her directly into her lungs and began stabbing her multiple times in her chest. The knife went into her flesh again and again and again. Blood began splashing everywhere. The ground began covering itself into a nice red color.

His mother was laying on the ground lifeless but before she died she managed to mouth him a "Run away!". But how could he do that? He couldn't just abandon his mother!

So all he could do was fall to his knees and cry. Cry so hard that he somehow managed to snap out his father from whatever trance he was.

Daddy: I-!!!

The man looked at his hands that were now covered in blood and his beloved wife. She was dead and he killed her. That was the sad truth the father was confronted with.

Daddy: How could I do something like this?

Hizashi crumbled to his knees looking at the dead body. His eyes moved from the body to the knife he was holding.

Izuku: Mommy!!!

Izuku was still where he was looking at both of them crying. The poor green bean was to scared to move but he couldn't help it but cry over the loss of his own mother.

Daddy: I am a monster!

This was all the father said before standing up.

Daddy: I am sorry love! I will join you in the afterlife! Please wait for me!

That was all the fathers said before slitting open his own throat and falling to the ground with a loud *thumb*.

Izuku: Daddy No! Don't leave me too!

The poor kid cried and cried until he somehow unconsciously moved towards his parents. He was crying the whole night through until he fell asleep close to his own parents. Izuku was too sad to move or do anything else besides crying and hugging the dead bodies of his parents. Eventually the morning came. Morning quickly changed to afternoon and this was when the neighbors finally decided to report a crying child at home.

It was only around 8 p.m. that the police came in order to check for the crying child and the moment they were in front of the house they could hear Izuku cry. Not knowing how the situation looked like, they immediately called for backup. That meant that they called for a hero.

It was no other than Aizawa Shota who was close by and reacted to the call. Not long after the got the message about a crying kid in a probably abusive household, he immediately rushed over but little was he prepared for what he would find.

The moment the police opened the door Aizawa rushed in just to find a little kid crying and terrified about everything. The police tried to approach the child but he immediately backed away.

It was Aizawa's call that the police stopped approaching the poor deathly terrified child. He went a little bit close to the poor green bean and began crouching down in front of him.

Aizawa: Hey, kid? I'm Eraserhead a hero. Do you like heroes?

The moment Izuku heard the word hero, he looked up at the man and nodded.

Aizawa: I see. A fan then?

Another little nod.

Aizawa: Do you want me to tell you who I am?

The trick Aizawa was playing was to bring the little child to other thoughts or even to make him come over to him. He could see that the child was covered in blood. Although he looked unharmed there was still a chance that this was also his blood.

Izuku: I do.

Aizawa: Oh really?

Izuku: Yep. Your quirk is Erasure! It's soo cool!

That surprised Aizawa. He was after all an underground hero. Not many people know of him and the once that did were criminals he brought in. However he couldn't remember having such a young child as a fan.

Aizawa: Do you want to see my capture weapon.

Another nod.

Aizawa: Come over here kid.

Aizawa carefully took his scarf down and hold it to the child. Izuku was very curious and even though he wanted to stay with his dead parents his curiosity got the better of him and he began slowly walking over to Aizawa. Once he was there Aizawa put his scarf over the kids head and picked him up.

Aizawa: Can you point towards your room?

The kid did as he was told and not soon after he was in his room with Aizawa. The hero did this in order for the cops to do their jobs and look at the dead bodies.

Aizawa: You really like heroes huh?

The whole room of the kid was covered in hero merch and he also found the symbol of his yellow goggles and couldn't help but smile.

Izuku: Yep.

Aizawa: Do you mind if I change your clothes?

Izuku: Why?

Aizawa: Yours are wet. I don't want you to catch a cold.

In reality he wanted nothing more as to say: "Kid look at you, you covered in blood! You seriously asking me why?" But that was not something he could ask a kid that was so young and shaking like a leaf.

Izuku: Okay.

Aizawa went ahead and changed his clothes while also taking the chance as to inspect if he had any injuries and to his surprise the kid didn't had any.

They spend the rest of their time talking about all kind of heroes including Eraserhead himself. The hero was very surprised to find such a great clever kid as a fan. Not only that but the kid knew a lot about him like a little bit of his fighting style and a lot about his quirk.

It took half an hour for the ambulance to come and pick the kid up. After that their ways parted as the hero was not allowed to get into the ambulance with the kid. He would have loved nothing more but the kid looked okay and they already had a person in there with another hero. They got the call and only came to pick up the uninjured kid for an inspection.

Little did Eraserhead know that this was not the last time he would see the kid. Not only that but this day was a day he could never forget in his life again. The image of a crying four year old kid laying there hugging his dead parents was simply cruel and sad.

He later found out that the man killed his wife and then himself. All he hoped was that the kid didn't had to watch this and only found them this way but his instincts were telling him otherwise.

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