Stalling for time!

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Once I introduced myself I bowed to her and used my wings to make the mist going always from me by making some gushes of wind.

Midnight: Azrael?

Me: Yep. Th angel of death if you want too!

Seeing as the mist was getting stronger I began flying up just half a meter above the ground and hovering there in place. I didn't want to get knocked out by the sleeping gas.

Midnight: Wait that Azrael that loves playing around with Nezu? That one?

Me: Exactly that one.

Midnight: Can I say that I love what you did the other day! No one ever managed to pull something out liked this and I must say it is rather funny to see Nezu try and solve everything. We have bets going around.

Me: Ohh what are you guys betting on?

Midnight: When you will do something like this again.

Me: Probably soon.

Midnight: Of course, everyone is betting on you but we are betting how long it will last.

Me: Next time I am hijacking UA again it will be for 3 hours.

Midnight: Thanks honey!~

Me: Anyways how stupid are you?

Midnight: Huh?

Me: You heard me right! I can't believe that you nearly died falling of the roof not to mention all your injures!

Midnight: Well that ahm...

Me: You and idiot or something?

Midnight: Hey! Listen up Honey! Only because I had such a bad luck doesn't mean I am stupid or an idiot!

Me: But it means that you are incapable of going alone after what 4 or 5 people?

Midnight: No!

Me: Then tell me what the heck happened here?

Midnight: You see. I was patrolling this area when I heard something and went to look for it. Before I knew it, someone shot me from above and I ran to this rooftop. They ambushed me and I tried to use my quirk but it wasn't helping.

Me: Ahm DAAAAHHHHH!!! They had gas masks too! Just look at the floor behind me!

Midnight: Honey, there is no need to be rude.

Me: No need to be rude... but to scold you and tell you how stupid you were! You are lucky that I saved you!

Mindight: Yeah, I got! Thank you.

Me: Next time you go rush into a certain place with villains make sure you at least have a plan B! Like you could have thought them with any weapon if you had one with you besides your whip!

Midnight: Honey, I get it! That's enough already!

Me: Okay I'ma let it pass for now.

Midnight: Oh and before I forget Sho says Thank you!

Me: Seriously? He should be taking care of himself a little more! Like it is not the first time I saved him. Also can you tell Nezu that Orchid is in the city?

Midnight: Orchid?

Me: Yep. Just tell the rat that and he will know.

Midnight: Pffff-

Me: What's so funny?

Midnight: There is no one that refers to him only as rat. You are the only one that can do that. Not even Recovery Girl can do it.

Me: That's because he can't do anything about me.

Midnight: Ohh and that reminds me. How about you come down here and let me hug you?

Me: And risk getting knocked out? No thank you!

Midnight: They said you have a bright mind and looks like it is true.

Me: It doesn't take a genius to know that you were thinking about.

Midnight: Well it was worth a try.

Me: It certainly was. How are you feeling after getting healed up?

Midnight: Good. I mean I don't feel any pain or tiredness!

Me: Good to hear that!

Midnight: You going to patrol around this part of the city?

Me: Not anymore! So see ya!

I didn't have any grudge against the hero herself but the way she was thinking was just something I couldn't overlock. She was putting herself in danger because of such easy goingness. That reminded me that she was a limelight hero. Seeing her on the streets in the middle of the night was a little bit suspicious.

I wonder why you are out in the night...

Isn't this part of that trashes patrol route?

He should be still in the hospital or recovering at least.

That means that you took his route up or you were asked to do to today...

I am betting on the second option.

I don't think an UA teacher would do both day and night patrol routs.

This would be just overkill!

Though I didn't think much about it at that time since sometimes heroes were asked to do a night shift and this might have been the case here too.

The moment I tried to fly away I my leg was caught in something and I was held up in place.

Me: HUH?

Looking down I could see something white around my ankle.

Me: You got to be kidding me!

Is this for real?

Like seriously?



Since when were you around!

Note to myself!

Never let yourself be distracted!

I should have known there is something fishy the moment she started talking about the bet!

A hero in need being alone in the area without calling for backup...

As if something like that existed!

I am such an idiot!

Azrael  (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now