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Trigger Warning: A bit of a warning here. It's going to get a bit dark here for Rip. Bare with him. 

A week later, Robert went to fetch the boy who was still working on the foundation of the arena. "Walk with me!" Robert told him. "I can't. Your father, already scolded me earlier for having taken too many breaks today! I am still being punished you know!" Rip replied sullenly. "It is our father who asked me to talk to you!" Robert told him and motioned him with his curled-up index finger to come along.

Rip put his shirt back on over the T-shirt he was wearing, put his tools into the wheelbarrow and followed Robert towards the path that led to the cottage down by the river. "What's this about Robert?" he asked after a while when he caught up with him. He could see that the man was uncomfortable by the way he was scratching his beard on his chin.

"It's about you and Chrissy!" Robert replied. "Ah, God no, you can fuck off," Rip said quickly and went to turn on his heels to walk back up the path and away from him. He had half expected something like this. A few days ago, he had noticed a book on Robert's nightstand when he was in his room to take out the dirty laundry for the washing machine. He wasn't snooping exactly but a book with the words, 'sex' and 'teens' in big lettering in the title on Robert's nightstand, the only book in the entire room made it impossible not to investigate.

Robert caught him by the upper arm and pulled him along. "Oh no you're not. You're coming with me buddy," he told him. "I have nothing to say to you, fuck off, Robert. Leave me alone!" Rip said somewhat angry and amused at the same time, trying to struggle free from the strong man.

"Well that's good, because you don't need to say anything, you just need to listen," Robert countered, still dragging the boy along with a firm grip on his upper arm. "Oh god, fuck off, Robert. You are hurting me. I can walk by myself you know!" So, Robert let go of his arm and Rip promptly made a run for it. The man was quick however and caught him again. He marched him all the way down to the river, holding onto the top of his arm and not saying another word until they got there.

"Let go of me Robert. For fuck sake, I know all about the bees and the birds. Just tell your father you talked to me. I won't tell on you," Rip complaint but started to chuckle nervously at the same time. "Shut up, Rip. This is important. I know you know how things fit together at this stage, that's not what I want to talk to you about," Robert said when they finally arrived at the river. Robert pointed Rip to a cut off tree trunk to sit down on, while he remained standing, towering over him. "You must be kidding me," Rip said rolling his eyes at the man. In exasperation or embarrassment, it really was too difficult to say which, he lowered his head onto his forearms that were resting on his knees.

"Look Rip, father wants me to make sure that you guys know how to protect yourselves. Well, and..." Robert paused. He had it all planned out but now was unsure how to go on. Suddenly he was afraid it would come out all wrong and he would offend the boy.

"Well what?" Rip asked sullenly. "He wants me to talk to you about consent. Samuel told him he should, and he passed the book on to me I suppose," Robert said. "You are kidding, right? I know about consent you know. It's obvious, don't do anything your girlfriend doesn't want you doing. It's simple. Can we go back now?" he asked impatiently. This was mortifying and most unwelcomed.

"Look Rip. It's not just about not going any further than the other person wants you to. It goes both ways you know. Sometimes it's hard to say no, when you are afraid you might lose the other person or might offend them. Saying No can be scary is what I am saying, and you both need to know that. We just want to make sure that you know that either of you can say no at any stage. Even if you guys are in the middle of... well, you know. Are getting a bit excited." It was obvious that Robert was as embarrassed talking about this subject as Rip, and Rip didn't help him one bit when he rolled his eyes at him. "Yeah, I know. I heard all about the #MeToo movement. Can we go back now?"

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