Fuck the Consequences

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When he rode along the path towards the gate of the ranch Rip could already see his uncle waiting for him. He was standing on the porch, leaning forward onto his hands on the railing supporting his body. Paul was sitting beside him in one of the armchairs, gently scratching Barney's head who was curled up on his lap.

He knew he was going to be in trouble, he had gone a lot longer than he had anticipated and he had not eaten as promised either. Torn between feeling guilty because he had so blatantly disobeyed his uncle and feeling annoyed because his uncle was making up these stupid rules in the first place, he rode passed them towards the stables only giving him a brief and unavoidable glance that was met with a set of strict eyes. 

When he looked back, he was surprised however, to see that his uncle had gone inside and was not following him. He was wondering if Paul had told him where he had been. He knew he wouldn't be too cross with him if he'd knew where he had been but nevertheless didn't want him to know. He wasn't really sure why, it was just too personal, too private.

He brought Chip to the stables to take off his saddle and take care of him, where he met Jacob and Robert, who were on their way back to the house.

"Where have you been?" Robert asked brashly.

"Out," Rip countered, matching his tone.

"I give you out!" Robert barked back, "Get that horse seen to and then get inside. Father is waiting for you!" while Jacob kept out of it. 'Back to his usual self,' Rip thought.

Rip didn't say anything. He gathered Robert was hungover and hadn't slept enough. He wasn't afraid of him. Robert barked but didn't bite. He wanted to tell him to 'mind his own business' but decided against it. 'Better not poke the bear too much', he thought, so he just made a face at him to convey the message.

Jacob offered him a hand, which Rip was glad to accept. Despite the long ride, Chip was still giddy. He could feel it. Robert watched them work standing in the stable door when they got interrupted by a car pulling into their drive, far too fast and spitting gravel as it came to a halt.

"Ha, he's called in the big guns," Robert laughed.

Jacob who had been doing Chip's hooves while Rip was holding and calming the horse, let go of the hoof he was working on and walked over to Robert.

"Huh," Rip heard Jacob say in delight, "he's sure pulling out all the stops. I didn't think he'd bother, for such a small amount."

"It's nothing to do with numbers, it's the principal, or maybe he thought it's a good opportunity to get her to come home for a bit. Who knows?" Robert replied with a chuckle, as he watched his sister climb out of her impressive but altogether impractical car. She always drove fast cars, even when she was still living on the ranch.

"What's going on?" Rip asked curiously as he came out from behind his horse to walk towards them.

Robert turned around staring angrily at him again. "It's just Beth. Get back there and finish up with your horse," he told him, changing his tone back to what it was like earlier, and then turned his back to Rip, leaning against the frame of the door watching his sister walk towards them.

"Oh, fuck off Robert," Rip muttered loud enough for his cousin to hear as he continued to walk towards the stable door to have a look. He wasn't feeling exactly peachy himself, considering where he had just come from and having slept a lot less than Robert.

"Do as your told, Rip," Robert now said in a calmer and more controlled manner, faking boredom, his back still turned to the boy, but glancing back over his shoulder momentarily.

"Stop telling me what to do, Robert!" Rip snapped back at him which had Robert finally turn fully back around.

"What did you just say to me?" Robert growled and in a threatening fashion stepped towards Rip, before Jacob could stop him. Rip started to stumble backwards, which made Robert stop but stomp his foot onto the ground instead, like one would do to scare away an animal. "Get!" he snarled through gritted teeth, staring at Rip, and pointing his index finger towards him in a threatening fashion. It wouldn't have bothered him, but then Jacob put his hand on his brother's shoulder as if to remind him to stay calm, which for a split-second made Rip feel scared but then he saw Beth's grin appear behind his cousins.

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