Chapter 1 - Moving

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You looked around at your new surrondings as you were in your car. Your dad drove past the buildings, houses, and people.

You recently moved to a new city because your dad got a new job here. Of course, he can't leave you at home. You would be all alone.

People always wonder why your dad was the only one with you. Here's the thing, your mom passed away shortly after she had given birth to you.

After that, your dad swore to be the best father he can be to you. He worked hard to provide you with your needs. He was also kind and caring towards you.

He got promoted in his office so he had to go to a new one. He took you with him which leads us here.

You looked around, both excitedly and with fear, but mostly excitement. You couldn't wait to see where your house was.

Your dad saw you looking out the window. He chuckled as he drove faster. "Don't worry. We'll be there soon." He said.

Soon enough, the car stopped in front of a house.

Soon enough, the car stopped in front of a house

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It was cute in your opinion. You smiled as your dad got out the car. You did the same and stood beside him.

"Well, this is it." He said. He smiled as he put his hand around your shoulder. He then turned to you. "If you don't like it though..." he tried to say but you interrupted him.

"Its nice! I love it!" You exclaimed. Your dad smiled at your happiness. "Alright, then lets get unpacking." He said as he went to get your things in the car.

You followed him too because you wanted to get something, or rather someone, out of the car. You waited for your dad to open the car. Then, you quickly grabbed the bord cage to reveal your pet.

 Then, you quickly grabbed the bord cage to reveal your pet

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You had a pet parrot named Mango. She was a Catalina Macaw that you bought from a breeder. You got her as a present from your dad on your birthday.

Mango chirped happily as you opened the cage door. She was trained so she flew unto your shoulder without a thought of escaping. You petted her head.

"Dad, can me and Mango check out the house?" You asked. Your dad replied, "Sure! Ill just call you if I need help."

With that said, you, with Mango on your shoulder, ran to see the new house.

The inside was really clean. The walls, rooms, and shelves were still empty but you knew that they will be filled soon.

You checked every corner of the new house. Mango flew around to look at the different corners in the ceiling.

After a while, you got tired. You called Mango so that you could go back to help your dad.

(Timeskip To After Fixing and Settling In...)

You lay down on your couch. Mango, tried imitating you but instead looked like a bird who got shot by a hunter. You laughed and put Mango on your lap.

She chirped happily and said, "Me love (YN)." You petted her and said, "I love you, too."

(Yes, Mango is trained to say a few words)

Your father sat beside you. He pulled you and Mango into a hug. Mango was struggling but later gave up. You were laughing along with your dad as Mango gave an annoyed face (idk how parrots do that).

You did this for a while. Soon, your dad got up and started to make dinner. You placed Mango beside you as you took out your phone to play some games.

You opened Stick War Legacy, your favorite game. You were playing on Campaign mode on Insane Mode.

After a while, you sighed as you got defeated by the Statue Turret of the Magikills in Storm the Rebel Mage camp. "I hope after I defeat those old men, I keep their spells." You said to yourself. Mango just looked confused.

Then, your dad called you for dinner. First, you placed Mango in her cage and put her food in her food bowl. After that, you sat in the table and ate the food your dad prepared.

He made your favorite food so you were really happy. After you ate, your dad led you to your room. "This will be your room, ok?" He said. You nodded in reply.

Before he left, he turned to face you and said, "Tomorrow is a school day. I know its a bit soon, but if you want to catch up, its best to start then."

He added, "I hope its ok with you." You smiled at him. "Don't worry. Im actually excited for tomorrow." You answered. "Ill be able to make new friends!"

Your dad then made his way to the door. "Ok then." He said. After he left, you flopped on your bed and drifted off to sleep.

But then you woke up at midnight and realized that you forgot to take a bath. So you got up and did so.

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