Chapter 7 - Another Fight

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Regular POV

You looked at the door to see someone you didn't see before. He had blue hair and he wore an orange shirt.

He seemed to be panting. "I am so sorry." He said. "I overslept and Ruth forgot to wake me up." The teacher nodded. "Its fine."

The blue haired guy sat down beside Cydnee. He looked at you, realizing you were a new student.

Once class ended, he came up to you. "Hi, um whats your name?" He asked. You looked at him. "(YN). Whats yours?" You replied.

"Name's Zack." He answered. "But people just call me Z4CK or Z4." You nodded. "Thats a cool nickname." You said.

Z4 blushed slightly. "Did you come here yesterday?" He asked. "Yeah." You replied. "How come you weren't here?" Z4 smiled uneasily.

"Um, I had stuff to deal with." He said. "I had this thing with my grandmother and it took a while. Then I noticed it took more time than usual until it was already the end of the yeah."

You nodded. Cydnee came to both if you. "Hello guys. What are you talking about?" She asked. "Just about what I did yesterday." Z4 answered.

"Were you hanging out with Ruth?" Cydnee asked. "Who's Ruth?" You questioned.

"Oh, people just call my grandmother by her name, Ruth." Z4 answered you. Cydnee nodded.

"Ok lets go. We can talk about this later." Cydnee said as she grabbed your hand. "You coming Z4?" Z4 shook his head. "You girls go ahead." He replied. "Im eating with Vin today." "Who's Vin?" You were trying to memorize all the names.

Your question was basically ignored. Cydnee dragged you off to the cafeteria.

While you were both eating, you told Cydnee about the car ride yesterday. She nodded.

After a while, you asked her if there are other people you haven't met. Cydnee then explained to you about Vin and Maverick.

As you listened to her, you heard a voice from behind. "Hows it going, (YN)?" You saw Cydnee flinch so you could tell it wasn't anyone good.

You turned and saw Cyrus. "What do you want?" You asked. He just smirked. "I just wanted to hang out with you." He said.

"Well sorry. Im with Cydnee right now." You replied. "Can you please leave us alone?" Cyrus frowned. "How come when Cruise comes by, you let him stay with you?" He asked.

"Because Cruise is a nice guy." Cydnee said. "Unlike you." "Oh really. Then what am I then?" Cyrus asked in a dark tone. Cydnee was scared.

"You're a jerk." You said for her. Cydnee sighed as Cyrus faced you. He glared and you just smirked.

Big mistake. He grabbed you by your shirt collar and pulled you close. "Do you want me to twist your hand again? Or should I crack your bones instead?" He menacingly said to you.

You were scared and saw Cydnee was scared, too. You tried escaping from Cyrus but he just grabbed your neck instead. He smirked as he started choking you.

"You're almost as weak as my brother." He told you as you were running out of breath. "But I think you need to learn never to mess with me again."

You felt his grip tighten as you started gasping for air. For a moment, you thought you were going to die, but then Cyrus let go of you.

You panted and saw the scene before you. "Stay away from her!" Cruise yelled at Cyrus. He punched Cyrus so it caused hin to drop you.

"Why you-" Cyrus growled as he ended up kicking Cruise. Both of them started hitting and strangling each other. Until...

"Cyrus! Cruise! What is going on here?" A teacher appeared. Z4 managed to report those 2 fighting. "Ill tell you what happened." Cruise said as he stood up. "(YN) and Cydnee were eating in peace when this guy assualted them."

Cruise pointed at Cyrus. Cyrus glared at him. "Cyrus is this true?" The teacher asked. "If you don't believe me, ask (YN)." Cruise said.

The teacher went to you. "Alright (YN), who started the fight?" She asked. You pointed at Cyrus, because you were still out of breath to talk.

The teacher nodded. "Cyrus, you will get detention later." She told him. Cyrus groaned and stood up. He walked away from the room.

Once the teacher left, Cruise went up to you. "You ok?" He asked. You managed to stand up. You nodded in reply.

"Ok, good." Cruise said as he hugged you. Cydnee was just relieved both of you were safe. "So wanna ride with me again later?" Cruise asked. "Yeah sure." You replied.

Wesley POV

I growled as I saw Cyrus talking to (YN). Even worse was when Cruise helped her out. If only I was there, but no. I had a plan. I had to stick with it because once its done, she will be mine and no one else's.

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