If You Chose Wesley

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"I choose Wesley." You said. "Really?" Wesley asked. "After all I've done?" "Yeah. I forgive you." You smiled.

You hear Cyrus muttering curses but you just ignored it. "I guess my plan worked after all." Wesley said proudly.

Cydnee looked at you worriedly. "Are you sure (YN)?" She asked. You nod your head.

"Well ok." Cruise said sadly. "Guess we'll leave you guys together then-" "Don't worry." You interrupt him. "We can still be friends."

Cruise smiled as he made his way outside the house. Zane waved goodbye as he walked away. Cydnee hugged you.

"I hope you're right (YN)." She said. "Why? Don't you trust me?" You asked. "Of course I do. Im just worried." Cydnee replied.

"I won't do anything wrong." Wesley told her. Cydnee sighed. "Ok. See you tomorrow (YN)!" She said as she ran off.

"(YN)?" Wesley asked you. "Yea?" You replied. But before anything, Wesley kissed you. It was really quick and it ended fast.

"You know we're still here right?" You and Wesley turn to see Willow and Cyrus still standing there.

"You guys are gross." Cyrus said as he went to his room. But you and Wesley just ignored him.

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