Chapter 3 - Meeting New People

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As soon as class ended, you decided to eat lunch with Cydnee, since she was the only one you knew.

You both made your way to the cafeteria. Little did you know, someone was watching you.

Cruise POV

I followed (YN) to see where she was going. I saw her going with Cydnee. It made me even more angry to see them together.

"Cruise? What are you doing?" I turn around and see Zane looking at me. "Oh, um, I was just-" I tried to think of something to say, but I was interrupted.

"Are you stalking (YN)?" Zane asked. "What? No. Why would I?" I replied, trying to look chill.

"Hm, probably cuz you were blushing when she entered the class." He smirked at me. "Grr, just shut up!" I said trying to push him off.

Zane then went closer and whispered, "If you do like her, you're in for a fight."  This caught my attention. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Ha! If you haven't noticed, Cyrus is on to her." Zane answered. I glared at him for even mentioning that guy's name.

"Oh, also there's one more person who likes her." Zane added. "Who?" I asked. Then, he whispered, "Me."

I got shocked. I kicked Zane in the nuts and he fell down. "Stay away from her. She's mine." I glare at him as he struggles to get up.

"Money can't buy you everything." Zane glared back at me. I decided to walk away. (YN) will be mine. Even if I have to hurt others to keep it that way.

Back To Regular POV

You and Cydnee were having lunch together. You were both trying to make small talk. You found out that Cydnee was a cheerleader and she had practice every after class.

You told her that you had a pet parrot and she kept asking you questions about it. But, it was fun to already socialize with a new friend. Yet, you had one question in your mind.

"Cydnee?" You asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "Who's Cyrus?" You sort of wanted to know more about that guy ever since that incident in class.

"Oh! He's like a champion gamer around here." Cydnee answered. "He's also got sponsors to do stuff for him. And he has a brother."

"Oh ok." You said. You were about to ask another question, when someone came to both of you.

"Hey, (YN)." You and Cydnee turn to see Cruise. "Im here too, you know." Cydnee said. Cruise rolled his eyes and turned his gaze to you.

"Hi Cruise. Wanna eat with us?" You asked. "Sure- Wait, you know my name?" He questioned.

"Yeah. Cydnee told me a lot of people's names already." You replied. "Oh ok." Cruise said as he sat beside you.

There was an awkward silence. Until Cruise decided to say something. "Hey um (YN)?" He asked. "What?" You answered.

"Do you maybe wanna go home together? I mean, you can hitch a ride with me." He said. "Eh, why not? Cydnee has cheerleader practice anyway." You replied.

Cruise smiled and started to stand up. "Ok. See you then!" He said as he walked away.

Cydnee looked really confused. "What just happened?" She asked. "I don't know either." You tell her.

Cruise POV

Yes! I did it! I asked her out! Well, I guess if asking her to have a car ride with me counts as a date.

I was mentally cheering to myself when someone pushed me. I fell but got up to see who it was. I saw the disgusting brown haired gamer looking down at me.

I guess he was glaring. Couldn't tell because his eyes are always covered by his hair. "What do you want?" I asked him.

"Oh, you know exactly what I want." Cyrus answered back. It suddenly came to me that Cyrus was jealous. I took this as a chance to toy with him.

"Hm, Im not sure." I innocently said. "Do I owe you money?" I could tell Cyrus was mad because he came closer and punched me.

His other hand then went to my neck and he started choking me. Cyrus slammed me against a wall. I tried to get his hand off me but to no avail.

"Stay away from (YN)!" Cyrus yelled at me. "Oh yeah? Why would I ever do that?" I asked. But then Cyrus' grip on me got tighter. I couldn't breathe.

"I will end you if you don't." Cyrus said. For a guy who was younger and slightly shorter than me, he was strong.

"Dude, you can't do anything about it." I told him with the last of my breath. "If (YN) likes me, she likes me."

I expected Cyrus to choke me harder, but instead he let go. I dropped to the floor and panted. Cyrus walked away while muttering stuff to himself.

But he stopped for awhile and faced me. "(YN) likes you, huh? Lets just see who she actually loves." Cyrus smirked.

"Oh if its a fight you want, its a fight you'll get." I said as I stood up. We both walked away in seperate directions.

The game is on.

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