Chapter 16 - The Decision

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Regular POV

You were taking a nap when you were awoken by yelling from above. You couldn't make out who they were.

You tried to move closer to the ceiling to hear the conversation, only to cause the boxes to fall on you.

You must have alerted the people because you could here their footsteps approaching the door.

Soon enough, you heard someone kick the door. You finally saw who the people were. They were you friends, Cruise, Cydnee, Zane, and Cyrus.

"(YN)?!" Cruise asked in shock. Cydnee went to you to help you get up. "WESLEY! EXPLAIN WHY THE HECK (YN) IS IN OUR BASEMENT?!" You heard Cyrus shout at Wesley.

"Uhh-" Wesley had nothing to say. "(YN), you mind telling what is going on?" Zane asked you.

You looked at Wesley. He lowered his head in defeat. "Its fine. You can tell them." He said. You nodded and explained everything starting from the beginning when Willow took you to an alleyway.

When you finished, Cyrus started yelling at Wesley again. Cydnee was trying to separate those 2. Cruise and Zane were also yelling at each other on who found you first.

Soon, their argument was about you. They were arguing about who you liked best.

You covered your ears because of how noisy it was. Cydnee noticed and said, "Guys stop. I think we're disturbing her."

Everyone looked at you. They stopped shouting and arguing with each other. You sighed and took a second to calm yourself. "Oh, and by the way, can someone untie me." You told them.

"Oh right." Wesley said as he went behind you and untied your wrists. Once he did, you thanked him and shook your hands a bit, feeling a bit sore for not using them for 3 days.

Suddenly, Cyrus seemed to have a thought or something because you saw him smiling. "I've got an idea." He smiled.

"An idea for what?" Cruise asked. "An idea on who gets to keep her." Cyrus replied. "Im listening." Zane said.

"Its pretty simple." Cyrus explained. "We let (YN) choose." You were slightly shocked.

"Hm, alright." Wesley replied. "As long as there are no threats to (YN) about her decision."

"And whoever (YN) chooses is final." Cydnee added. "That means no one can try and steal her from who she wants to be with."

"Deal!" Everyone agreed. They all looked at you. "So (YN), who's it gonna be?" Zane asked. "Yeah (YN). Its you choice." Cruise said. "Which one of us do you like better." Cyrus smirked.

"Um, I don't know." You said. Honestly, you saw them all as friends. You liked them all the same and it was hard to choose.

But if you told them that, the fighting, and possibly the murders, would still continue. It would never end. So you had to make a decision.

"Alright." You said. "I choose..."


For the ending, there is a separate one for each character. Go to the table of contents and look for the person you chose. Thats the ending for your story :>

But if you want, you can check out all of them.

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