Chapter 13 - Willow

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The next day, you walked to school. You were still trying to figure out what happened to your friend.

As you passed by the halls, you heard talking in the Principal's Office. You decided to eavesdrop a bit. You could make out 2 voices.

Im sorry ma'am, but we really don't know where he is.

Well, I think you should make an effort. His parents are worried sick.

We are trying are best to find the culprit.

You better. I may not be his mother, but I treat him as my son. If you don't find him, I will have to take matters in my own 2 hands.

You could tell that they were talking about Z4. You peeked and saw the 2 people.

One of them was the principal. The other was an old lady with odd glasses. It was probably Z4's grandmother, Ruth.

You walked away from the conversation. Before you entered the classroom, you felt someone tap your shoulder.

You turned around and saw a guy with a helmet. "(YN), right?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Name's Vin. Im a friend of Z4."

"Oh ok." You said. "Do you mind if we search the school later?" He asked. "Why?" You replied. "Because Im trying to find him." He answered.

"Ok." You said. "Thanks." Vin replied. "See ya later then." He then walked away as you went inside your classroom.

When it was lunch, you told Cydnee that you were hanging out with Vin. She said it was fine.

So you met up with Vin and started your search. You checked all the rooms but found nothing interesting. As you and Vin were walking down the halls, both disappointed, you caught sight of a room you didn't check.

It was the Janitor's Room. You and Vin looked at each other and nodded. Vin held the doornob and went inside the room first.

But you saw him freeze as he barely opened the door. You looked inside and saw why.

Z4 was there. But he was wounded. You and Vin both rushed to a nurse and explained what you saw.

Z4 was immediately taken to a hospital. Everyone soon heard of the news. They asked you and Vin about it because you were the ones who discovered it.

You tried to calm everyone down, saying that all you did was open a door and Z4 there.

Vin was also explaining to everyone that the killer could still be on the loose. He or she was still anonymous.

When lunch ended, your classes resumed. No one brought up the subject. You were relieved because you felt bad for Z4. You wondered how much he suffered or if he would still be able to live.

The teacher then announced that there would be a group project. You and your partner would do some research on a specific topic.

Your partner was Willow. You weren't that close, but it was fine. Cruise was partnered with Cydnee, Zane with Vin, and ironically, Cyrus with Wesley. You doubted how those 2 would get anything done.

Cyrus POV

Great. Just great. Now they discovered Z4's body. Grr, and it was (YN) who found him. I hope they don't find out it was me.

I tried acting the same. It was all well, but Vin has his suspicions raised. But this will all be worth it when I eliminate everyone who could get in the way of my love for (YN).

I wonder how (YN)'s face will be when she finds out that I killed everyone. Well, she'll be mad but then who cares? If she rejects me, thats her problem.

Ill just make her love me whether she likes it or not. And she will learn.

Back to Regular POV

As classes ended, you hung out with Cydnee before her practice. She was really worried now especially with Z4's attack. But you reassured her that you will be fine.

After that, you went to look for Willow. You saw her and asked where you will be doing research. "At my house." She said. You nodded and let her lead the way.

As you both walked along, you texted your dad and informed him that you were doing a project in a friend's house.

After that, you started thinking about the weekend. Finally some rest after the long week.

After a while of walking, you stopped at an alley. Confused, you look at Willow. "Why are we here?" You asked. Willow just walked closer.

"Because Im doing something for a friend." She replied as she knocked you out. You fainted and fell to the ground.

Willow POV

That was the plan right? Lead her here and knock her out? Wait, I need it clear again.

So Wesley will do something on the teacher's papers to make me and (YN) partners. Then, I should lead here and knock her out. Afterwards, Wesley will help me drag her to his house.

Ok, now I just need to wait for him.

After a few minutes, I saw someone approach. It was Wesley. "Did you get her?" He asked. I nodded and pointed at (YN).

"You could have at least put her on a chair or something." Wesley said. "She's supposed to like me. But you're going to make it hard for her."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I replied. Wesley sighed. "Just help me bring her to my house unseen." He told me as we both took (YN) to his house.

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