Chapter 14 - Wesley

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Regular POV

You woke up and felt dizzy. You looked around and saw that you were in an unfamiliar place. You tried to move but you found out that you were tied to a chair.

"Where am I?" You said out loud. "You're at my house." You heard a voice. You looked around and saw Wesley.

He was smiling as if he didn't see anything wrong. "Wesley? Did Cyrus bring me here?" You immediately asked.

Wesley shook his head. "No. I did." He said. You look at him in shock. "You? Why?" You asked.

Wesley took a few steps and went closer to you. When he was close enough, he replied, "Because I love you, (YN)."

You were still shocked. "Let me explain." Wesley said. "Ever since you helped me during the fight with Cyrus, I kind of felt like you were different from anyone I've ever met.

"I had feelings for you. But it was hard to get attention. Cruise, Zane, and Cyrus kept getting in the way. It made me frustrated.

"Thats when I came up with a plan. A plan to keep everyone else away. In the end, it would only be you and me."

Wesley smiled his innocent smile. Your shock has turned to anger. "Well, for your information, I actually liked everyone's company." You glared at Wesley. "Let me go now!"

But Wesley just continued smiling. "I didn't expect things to end this way." He said. "But if thats how it is..." He let out a dark chuckle.

"Ill just keep you here for as long as we live." Wesley looked at you. You were starting to get scared. "But don't worry, Ill bring you food and stuff you need." He smiled.

"But I don't want you making any sound or attempts to escape. Got that.?" Wesley told you. You rolled your eyes.

"Ill take it as a yes." Wesley said as he made his way to some stairs. He looks back at you. "See you later, dear." He waves and goes away.

Once Wesley was out if the room, you sighed. "Everyone will be so worried." You thought. "I hope someone finds me soon. Besides, he can't hide me in his basement forever."

Willow POV

I saw as Wesley came out from the basement. "How'd it go?" I asked. He sighed. "She wants to take the hard way."

I nodded. "You can go home now. Cyrus will be here any minute." Wesley said. "Ok." I replied as I made my way out of the house.

As I walked home, I was thinking about our crime. I wonder if (YN) is ok. I kind of feel bad for just knocking her out and tying her to a chair.

I looked back at Wesley's house. I hope he actually does care for her. I sighed and silently continued to walk.

Back to Regular POV

You tried again but to no avail. You were trying to pull your hand out of the ropes. You kept doing it for 5 minutes but gave up.

At that moment, you heard the door open. You saw you kidnapper walk down the stairs while holding a tray.

You looked away. Wesley just got a chair and sat in front of you. Curious, you look to see what was on the tray.

"I got you something to eat." Wesley smiled. "I tried to make cookies." You look at him as he continued smiling.

"Uh, you're forgeting my hands are tied." You remind him. Wesley nodded. "I know. Thats why Im going to feed you."

You glared at him and shook your head. He just took a cookie and moves it close to your mouth. You didn't want to eat it.

But it smelled good. And you were a bit hungry. So, ignoring the fact that it could be poison, you bit a part of the cookie.

It tasted good. "You like it?" Wesley asked. "I guess." You replied. "Ok! Then I guess Ill make more!" Wesley said as he finished feeding you the cookie and went out of the basement.

You looked around and tried to find sonething to help you escape. But you sighed. "Whats the point? He'll just find me." You thought.

"The only way I can escape is if someone helps me." You hoped that maybe your dad would call the police and they will find you. Or maybe Cyrus will hear you in the basement and help you escape.

But thoughts of escape made you feel guilty. "He's just trying to show his love for me." You thought. You wanted to escape but at the same time, you didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"I guess its time to choose who I like then." You think. If you choose one person, all of this could end. The kidnapping and murder, all might be stopped (bc you think Wesley caused the murder).

But I like all of them. You thought.

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