Chapter 12 - Z4 Goes Missing

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Regular POV

After classes, you decided to ride with Cruise on your way home. He agreed instantly.

As you were walking, you heard someone call your name. You turn around and saw Zane.

"Hi Zane. Hows it going-" You were interrupted. "Have you seen Z4?!" He asked. You shook your head. "Im sorry. Why?"

"He promised to hang out with me and Vin, but he still isn't here. We're starting to worry." Zane explained.

"I really want to help but I have to go home now." You said. You saw Zane turn away with a sad face.

"But Ill try contacting him when I get home." You added. Zane brightened up. "Thanks so much (YN)!" He said as he ran off.

You started walking back too. But that thought didn't leave your head. "Z4 is missing? But I saw him just a while ago." You thought.

Cyrus POV

I checked the halls to see if anyone was there. I sighed in releif as I saw there was no one there.

I walked and tried to hide any evidence of what I did.


I was ready to attack my first victim. I saw Z4 walking in the halls. I better approach him in a way that he won't be suspicious.

"Hey Z4!" I call to him. He looked up at me. He probably found it weird because we were more of rivals than friends.

"Um, hey?" He said confused. Good. I guess he dosen't suspect a thing.

"I need help with something." I told him. "Help? From me? Cyrus, are you ok?" He asked. "Yep, perfectly fine." I replied. "I just really need help."

Z4 just shrugged. "Ok I guess." He said. "Lead the way." I smiled as I walked and led him to the Janitor's Room.

Once we went inside, I saw Z4 looking confused. I let him to thoughts while I quietly locked the door.

"Cyrus, why are we here?" He asked. But then he heard me lock the door. His confused expression turned into a scared one.

"Cyrus. Whats going on?" He asked frantically. I pull out my knife and smirk. He backs away but had no place to run.

I charge at Z4 and try to stab him. He manages to evade but barely escaped. I cornered him against a wall. I chuckled as I slowly walk towards him.

Z4 still didn't know why I was trying to kill him. When I was close enough, he was scared and ran out of hope.

"Any last words?" I asked as I prepared my knife. Z4 nodded. "Why?" He said. I smirked. "You stayed too close to her." I simply replied.

He tried to ask who but I cut hin off. I stabbed his arm and he screamed. I covered his mouth. I stabbed him again in the chest.

I could here his muffled screams but I ignored it. When I was done, Z4 fell to the floor. I wondered if he was dead or unconsious, but I said, "Stay away from her."

I walked out of the Janitor's Room and made my way to the bathroom. It was surprisingly empty. I washed off the blood from myself and from my knife.

When I finished, I walked down the halls and tried to avoid everyone.

End of Flashback

Now, I was trying to find Cruise. Why? Because Cydnee was still having her cheerleader practice. I can't kill her in front of everyone.

But I saw (YN). She was going inside Cruise's limo. I quietly growled as they drove away.

I hid the knife and said to myself, "At least I got one." I smirked as I walked home. "Ill just beat up Wesley when I get back."

Back To Regular POV

You were telling Cruise about Z4 missing. He got interested. "I wonder if he's fine." You said. "He probably did something else." Cruise replied.

You were discussing the whole matter when you saw your house. "Lets talk about this tomorrow." You said as you kissed Cruise and got off the limo.

You waved goodbye as you went inside your house. When you were done studying, you tried to call Z4 (yes you have his number).

But he never replied or answered your calls. Something felt wrong. You put away your phone and decided to think of the situation.

But you got tired and decided to head downstairs. You told your dad about it. He understood and tried to help you in your investigation.

You thought of all things that could have happened. But it narrowed your search to one thing: He was kidnapped by someone in the school.

You knew it couldn't have been the teachers. But could it be one of the students? If so, who?

After you had dinner, you took a shower and went to bed. You fell asleep while thinking: What happened to Z4?

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