Chapter 5 - Cruise

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You saw Wesley get thrown to the ground. At least he didn't fall head first, or else his glasses would have broke.

Wesley tried to get up only to be kicked down by Cyrus. "Seriously Wesley." Cyrus scoffed. "Are you this weak?"

Wesley stood up and tried to walk away. But Cyrus grabbed him by the hair. Wesley yelled out in pain as he tried to get away from his brother's grip.

Cyrus just laughed at his efforts and pushed him to a wall. "You know what, I feel way better now." Cyrus smirked as Wesley was looking for his glasses that fell on the floor.

"But I feel like I want to do one last thing..." Cyrus said as he walked towards Wesley's fallen glasses. He raised his foot and you knew what he was going to do.

"Don't you dare!" You yell as you charge at him. You both fell, but luckily not on the glasses. It signaled Wesley on where they were and he managed to get them back.

"Get off me!" Cyrus yelled as he pushed you off. He stood up and saw Cydnee and Willow defending Wesley.

"Pfft, you think Im just gonna leave?" Cyrus scoffed at both of their efforts. "I can beat Wesley. What makes you think I can't beat you?"

"Cuz Im the one who's gonna fight you." You say as you stood up. Cydnee, Willow, and Wesley had shocked expressions.

Cyrus was shocked but he smirked. "Go ahead. I'd like to see you try." He said as he faced you.

You wasted no time and ran to him. But Cyrus stepped aside and put his foot out, causing you to trip.

You didn't give up and tried again. Only now, you tried to hit him. But Cyrus grabbed your hand easily.

He took a firm grip and started twisting it. You suddenly had fear as you tried to pull your hand away. His grip only tightened.

"Please stop!" You cried out. Cyrus only laughed. " 'Please stop' thats how you sound like." He said mockingly.

You felt like you were about to cry. Cyrus noticed and smirked. He let go and you fell to the floor. You were clutching your hand as Cydnee went to you. She helped you stand up.

You looked at Cyrus who was still smirking. You glared at him. He walked closer to you and grabbed your neck. You were too tired to struggle right now.

"Next time, don't play a game you can't win." Cyrus said as he let go of you and walked away.

"(YN), are you alright?" Wesley asked worriedly. "Yeah, I guess." You replied. "Do you need help?" Cydnee told you. "Nah, Im fine." You said reasurringly.

"You sure?" Cydnee asked. "Yeah Im sure." You smiled. "Lets just get back to class." Willow muttered. "Hopefully we don't run into him again."


You were walking to the door. After you got outside, you took out your phone and told your dad that you would be riding with someone.

He replied by saying sure. You put your phone away and waited for Cruise to come by.

After a while, you see a limo pass by. The window went down and you saw Cruise smiling at you. You were shocked. "Hi (YN)!" He called to you.

"Cruise?" You asked. You couldn't get the words out of your mouth. Cruise playfully rolled his eyes. "Cmon." He said as he opened the door.

You got inside and you sat beside him. Once you closed the door, Cruise asked what your address was. You gave him your address and he told the driver to go there.

After that, you looked out the window because you were still recovering from your shock. Cruise noticed and he moved closer to you.

"You have a lot of questions right?" He asked. You nodded in reply. "Ok, so everything in a nutshell, Im rich and famous." He answered.

"Really? How come you never told me?!" You stammered. "You never asked." Cruise replied.

You felt him hold your hand. You slightly blushed and looked away. Then, there was an awkward silence.

"So how's your life?" Cruise asked randomly. "Fine. But yours is like..." You try to say but his finger covered your mouth.

"Yeah I know. No need to say it." He interrupted. "My life is deluxe." Cruise removed his finger and started playing with your hair. It was easy for him to do so because he was taller than you.

You blushed as he was doing so. Cruise then looked at you. "You're blushing." He said. Embarrased, you try to cover your face. Cruise just laughed.

"Its fine." He said as he pulled you closer to him. You knew what would happen and accepted your fate. But then Cruise looked out the window.

"Oh, I think we're here." He said, pulling away. You looked outside and saw your house. "Yeah." You said sadly. But Cruise smiled.

He quickly pulled you close to him again and kissed you. You kissed back. After a few seconds, you both pulled away with a blush on your face.

"Ok, I need to go now." You said as you opened the door. "Ok. Bye and see you tomorrow!" Cruise told you. "Bye!" You replied as you got off the limo and he drove away.

You then went into your house, did your afternoon and night routine, and went to sleep (this time remembering to take a bath).

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