Chapter 2 - New School

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At 6 am, you woke up to the sound of your alarm clock. You groaned as you switched it off and stood up.

You prepared nice clothes because it was your first day at a new school. You chose (refer to images below) and looked at yourself in the mirror.

Choose which one you want (just ignore the gauntlets bc this was from a game):

Choose which one you want (just ignore the gauntlets bc this was from a game):

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You went downstairs and saw your dad ready

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You went downstairs and saw your dad ready. Mango saw you and said, "Lookin' good." You went to her and petted her head.

Then you went to your dad. "Ready to go?" He asked. You nodded. "Yeah, Im ready." You replied. "Alright, lets go!" Your dad said as you two went to the car and drove off.

Soon, the car stopped and you saw a school. (I am still researching a name for their school). I got off the car and my dad gave me a thumbs up.

"Good luck on your first day (YN)." He said as he drove off. You turned to the school and started walking. "I hope this turns out well." You thought.

As you walked around the halls, looking for your classroom, you noticed some people looking at you. "This is fine." You thought.

As you continued to walk in the halls, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around and see a girl your age.

She had pink hair and blue cheerleader clothes. In one of her hands, she held yellow pompoms.

"Um hi?" You said. "Hi!" The girl instantly replied. "My name's Cydnee. Whats yours?" She asked. "My name is (YN)." You told the energetic girl.

"Thats a nice name." She beamed. You felt awkward and tried to walk away. "Aw, no need to be shy." Cydnee said as she followed you. "Im just here to welcome you."

You looked at her. She kept smiling back. "Are you lost?" Cydnee asked. "Um, yeah. I can't find my classroom-" But before you could continue, Cydnee grabbed you by the arm and started leading you to the classroom.

"I know where it is. Cmon!" She said. You let her drag you around the halls until she came to a stop. "Ok! Here's the classroom." Cydnee told you.

You looked around to try and remember the location. But then you and Cydnee heard the bell ring.

"Oh, classes are starting." Cydnee said. "I guess we should get going." You followed her into the classroom.

Inside, you saw other students that you didn't notice a while ago.

There was a guy with short blonde hair and red shades. You could hear him bragging to some people about how rich he was.

One of those people was a guy with a skateboard and a red cap. He was pretending to listen while he was on his phone.

On another corner, there was a kid with dark brown hair and glasses talking to a girl with black hair and a bow with a skull.

You also saw a guy who looked like he played football. You wondered what everyone's names where, so you asked Cydnee.

"Oh, ok." She replied. "The one with blonde hair is Cruise. The guy with a skateboard is Zane. Wesley is the one with glasses. Willow is the girl with black hair. Blake is the football player. And the guy with the NES power glove..."

"Wait what?" You asked. "Oops, sorry." Cydnee said. "He's not here yet. He's always late." "Who is this guy?" You tried to ask but the teacher was already in the room.

"Ok everyone. Please take your seats." The teacher said. Everyone did as they were told, except me because I was looking for somewhere to sit. Cydnee was pointing at a seat beside her.

You decided to sit there. The teacher then announced, "Ok class, today we have a new student." You flinched because you knew what would come next.

"(YN), please introduce yourself." She said. All eyes were on you. You took a deep breath and said, "Hi, my name is (YN). I hope we become great friends."

You thought you saw Zane smirking and Cruise blushing but you shrugged it off. As the class proceeded, the door opened.

"You're late." The teacher said to a student. "This is the guy I was talking about." Cydnee whispered to you. "His name is Cyrus." You nodded and looked at the one who entered.

He had brown hair that covered his face. On his right hand, he had an NES power glove and he wore a blue shirt.

Cyrus smirked at the teacher. "Whatever. I was doing something important." He told her. "Important? What did you do then?" The teacher asked.

"I was looking at my trophies." He replied. The teacher glared at him. "Detention later." She said. Cyrus just scoffed.

He went to his seat which was behind Cydnee. As class went on, you heard someone whisper behind you.

You turned around and saw Cyrus tapping your shoulder. "What?" You asked. He smirked and replied, "Hey, cutie."

You were shocked and decided to look away. "Did he just flirt with me?" You thought.

Cruise POV

I saw Cyrus talking, or flirting with (YN). I was furious. How dare that disgusting brown haired gamer talk to my (YN)?! She's mine! And Ill do whatever it takes to make her mine.

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