Chapter 4 - The Rest of the Day

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After you ate with Cydnee, you had some time to kill. Cydnee wanted to introduce you to some other people. She was again dragging you to another place.

You found yourself in a field. "Cydnee, who exactly are we looking for?" You asked. "Oh, we're looking for Blake." She replied. "He's a football player so he hangs out around here."

"Like that guy?" You point to someone in the distance. "Yes! Thats him! Cmom!" Cydnee said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you to Blake.

"Hey Blake!" Cydnee called out to the guy. The football player turned around and saw Cydnee. He waved back. "Hi Cydnee!" Blake called back.

Cydnee ran to him and brought you with her. "Blake, this is my new friend (YN)." Cydnee said cheerfully. You just waved. The situation was a bit awkward.

"Hi, nice to meet you (YN)!" Blake said. Hev took out his hand for you to shake. You shook his hand and Cydnee was shrieking with joy.

"Guys! Lets have a selfie!" She said as she took out her phone. You and Blake smiled as Cydnee clicked the button.

After that, Blake said, "Ok guys. I've got stuff to do." "Aw ok." Cydnee pouted. "See you again sometime (YN)!" He waved as he ran off.

Cydnee was looking at the picture on her phone. While she was doing that, you looked around the field, hoping to find something interesting.

Then, Cydnee put away her phone and took your hand again. "Okie! Now lets go meet someone else!" She said as she dragged you away again.

Cydnee led you back inside and through the halls. She stopped and started calling out to someone.

"Zane!" She called out to a guy with the skateboard. You looked at him and saw him muttering stuff to himself. Did something bad happen?

Zane POV

Curse that blonde haired rich boy. I can't believe he kicked me hard just for saying that I liked (YN). There's nothing wrong with that.

Just then, I heard Cydnee call out to me. I groaned and turned around. But then I saw (YN) with her.

"(YN)?" I asked as I almost faint. "Hi?" (YN) replied. Her voice sounds like music but I didn't let myself daydream.

"What are you doing here Zane?" Cydnee asked. "Are you fine?" I didn't want to tell any of them what happened with me and Cruise, so I tried lying.

"Uh, I fell off a tree." I thought fast. "A tree?" (YN) questioned. "How did you get yourself on a tree?" I didn't know what to say, but then something came to mind.

"Well, I was doing some stunts with my skateboard. Then, I crashed on the tree." I replied. "Yeah, but a tree?" Cydnee asked, obviously confused. "Yeah, on a tree." I said.

"Um ok. I hope you're fine then." (YN) told me. I smiled. "Ok (YN), lets go to another person." I heard Cydnee say as she dragged (YN) with her.

I saw (YN) mouth a 'help me'. I shook my head and mouthed a 'no'. I smiled as (YN) was trying to keep up with Cydnee's speed.

Back to Regular POV

You tried asking Zane to help you out with your 'Cydnee dragging you everwhere' problem. You hoped he understood your 'help me'.

He did but replied by mouthing 'no'. So now, you were being carried away by Cydnee.

After a while, she stopped in front of a library. "Are we going to go inside?" You asked. Cydnee shook her head. "Nope. We're gonna wait." She replied.

You took this tine to rest and regain your energy after Cydnee kept dragging you everywhere.

After some time, the door opened and 2 people came out. "Hi Willow! Hi Wesley!" Cydnee said to both of them.

She startled the one with glasses. "Geez, Cydnee. Don't scare me like that." He said. The girl with black hair just rolled her eyes.

"Sorry. Im just introducing (YN) to a few people." Cydnee answered. Wesley sighed. "Its fine." He said.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Cydnee asked. Wesley looked at both of you.

"For 2 reasons." He started. "First, we're here so that I can help Willow with her homework."

"And the other reason?" You asked. You saw Wesley look around first. He then whispered, "Im trying to avoid my brother."

"Oh you mean Cyrus?" Cydnee said out loud. "Shush! Keep your voice down." Willow glared at her.

"Sorry." Cydnee apologized. "Why are you hiding from him though?" You asked quietly. "Because I heard he's in a bad mood today." Wesley replied. "When that happens, he lets out his anger on me. So yeah..."

"Wesley. There you are!" All of you heard a voice. Wesley flinched as he turned around.

Cyrus was there. You couldn't tell if he was mad though because his hair was covering his eyes.

"I've been looking all over for you." Cyrus said. "Everywhere except the library." Willow added.

Cyrus glared at her. But his gaze fixed on someone else. "Hey (YN). Hows it hanging?" He asked you.

"Um I dunno." You reply. "We just met." Cyrus smirked. "Well then, you'll see it happen firsthand." He said.

"Whats he talking about?" You ask Cydnee. But then you heard a crash.

You saw Wesley get thrown to the ground by his brother.

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