Chapter 11 - Cydnee and Z4

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You woke up the next morning. You sighed in relief as you remembered it was almost the weekend. You fixed your hair and got ready for school.

Your dad left a note saying that he had to go to work early. "Oh great, now I have to walk." You said sarcastically.

"Yippee!" Mango called to you. You glare at her for not understanding sarcasm. Once you fed her, you took your bag and started to walk.

Once you got there, you looked at the time. "Oh no, Im 5 minutes late." You said as you rushed to the classroom.

Once you got inside, the teacher asked, "(YN), why were you late?" "Uhh-" You thought of something to say but was interrupted.

"I kinda slowed her down." You look behind you and saw Cyrus standing there. Wow, he was even later than you.

"Oh? What did you do?" The teacher asked him. "I made her trip and fall in a bush." Cyrus said calmly. You were holding in your laughter.

"Grr. Cyrus, detention later." The teacher glared at Cyrus. Cyrus just shrugged and both of you went to your seats.

As class went on, you looked at Cyrus. He saw you and asked, "What?" "Thanks." You told him. "No problem." He replied.

Wesley POV

I could tell that excuse was fake. Cyrus probably tried to get (YN) to trust him. I really need to act fast. And I think Cyrus is up to something, because I saw something shine in his bag a while ago.

Back To Regular POV

After classes, you went to eat with Cydnee. She also said that Z4 would be joining you 2. You were fine with that. Besides, Z4 was a nice guy.

As you sat on the table and waited for Z4, you talked with Cydnee for a while. It was always fun to talk to her.

Then, Cruise came by. "Hi (YN)!" He said. "There you go ignoring me again." Cydnee mumbled. Cruise sighed. "Cydnee, can I talk to you in private?" He asked.

"Sure!" Cydnee replied. "Ill see ya in a while (YN)." She told you as she followed Cruise.

Cydnee POV

I followed Cruise to a dark corridor. I was wondering why he brought me here. "Cruise?" I asked.

Suddenly, Cruise slammed me to a wall. "Hey, stop it. Let go!" I cried out. "Stay away from my (YN)." He told me. I blinked in confusion but I realized what he was talking about.

"She's not yours." I say to him. "And I should be telling you to stay away from her!"

Cruise looked shocked. "What do you mean?" He asked. I scoffed. "Why do you think I drag (YN) away from you time to time?" I said bravely.

Cruise realized what I said and glared. It was true. The only reason I kept dragging (YN) away was because I wanted her safe.

When I saw the boys' lovestruck faces, it disgusted me. But I also noticed their yandere behaviour. (YN) is my friend. I will not let her get hurt.

Cruise let go of me. "You watch what you do, Cydnee." He said darkly. "Or else I will get rid of you for interrupting my plans."

I was about to say something, but Cruise already left. I sighed as I put my tight hand on my chest. "Ill do anything for (YN)." I said to myself. "Its what friends are for."

Then, I walked back to the cafeteria.

Back To Regular POV

I waited for Cydnee to come back. But then I saw the blue haired boy approach me.

"Hi (YN)." Z4 said as he sat down. "Where's Cydnee?" "Cruise wanted to talk to her." You stated.

"Ok." Z4 mumbled. As with the others, there was an awkward silence.

"So (YN), what do you want to talk about?" Z4 broke the silence. "Anything." You replied.

"Ok. Wanna talk about cats?" Z4 beames. "Cats? Ok." You answered. You didn't know why he was interested in cats though.

You soon learned more about Z4. He lived with his grandmother, Ruth. He never talked about his parents though.

Ruth also had a pet cat so Z4 lived around him. Z4 also started to get an interest in animals.

You liked it when he talked about himself. Unlike the others, he never tried flirting. This made you feel more comfortable around him.

Some time later, you saw Cydnee running towards you 2. "Hey guys. Watcha talking about?" She asked.

"We're just talking about Ruth's cat." Z4 replied. "Ah ok." Cydnee said. You then let her join in the conversation, not knowing about her encounter with Cruise.

Cyrus POV

I was looking for Cruise and Cydnee to show up, but they weren't here yet. I just had to wait a little longer. Soon, it will all be worth it.

Then I saw Z4 go to (YN). It started off as small talk but then they had a more complicated conversation. I got angry at Z4. Angry and jealous.

"Looks like I have another victim." I said to myself as I slid my finger on the sharp edges of my knife.

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