Chapter 9 - Cyrus

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Timeskip to After the Event in the Janitor's Room...

You panted as you fell to the floor. Cyrus fell on top of you, also panting. You were mostly crying the whole time.

Cyrus stood up and you tried your best to do so. You fell in Cyrus' hands. He caught you and smirked.

You slightly blushed. Then Cyrus said in a stern voice, "Don't tell anyone about this or I will do it again. Got it?" You slowly nodded your head in reply.

"Good!" He said as he helped you regain balance. Your entire body hurt and it was hard for you to walk.

"Wait, how long were we in here?" You asked. Cyrus looked at a clock. "Probably 10 minutes." He replied.

"Heck, I need to go with Cydnee now." You said as you made your way to the door. Cyrus unlocked it so you both went out. Thankfully, no one saw you go outside the room.

After you walked away, you were thinking of what the both of you did. Cyrus was making quiet moans the whole time.

But you were trying your best to not scream. It hurt so badly and you tried begging him to stop. Of course he didn't listen.

As you reached the cafeteria, Cydnee wasn't there yet. You sat down and started eating. You hoped no one would notice your weary behaviour.

But someone did...

Zane POV

I saw (YN) enter the cafeteria. Is it just me, or did she look a bit, tired. Wait, she looks harrased or something. What happened?

After she came in, I saw Cyrus enter. I noticed that he had the same behaviour as (YN). Something happened. Wait, did Cyrus...

I suddenly realized what he did. It made me angry. I wanted to confront him about this. But not now.

Back to Regular POV

You were eating quietly when someone approached you. It was Zane. "Hey (YN), can I talk to you for a bit?" He asked.

"Yea sure." You replied. Zane sat down beside you as you both continued eating. Then, Zane asked, "What did Cyrus do to you?"

You flinched at the question. You also remembered what Cyrus told you. "I never did anything with him." You lied.

Zane knew it though. "(YN), I know you're lying." He said. You look away and sigh. Then, Zane turned serious.

"(YN), you know you can tell me anything right?" He said. You slowly nodded and decided to tell him. You whispered to him everything that happened.

Zane was angry but you told him not to tell anyone. He agreed. You smiled and thanked him.

After a while, Cydnee came back. "Hi guys! What are you talking about?" She asked. "Uhh..." Both of you stuttered. But Cydnee smiled.

"Its fine. Ill keep your secret." She winked at both of you. You and Zane ended up blushing.

"Ok I need to go now." Zane said as he tried to avoid any further embarrasment. "See you guys!" He waved. "See you!" You say to him.

Cyrus POV

I saw Zane go to (YN). (YN) was whispering stuff to him. She better not be telling him what happened.

What made me even more mad was how Zane was trying to get closer to (YN). She's mine. I glared at him but no one saw.

Wesley POV

I saw Cyrus staring at Zane. I also felt jealous that Zane gets to sit with her. I just sigh and go back to eating.

I wonder why Cyrus was 10 minutes late along with (YN). Did they do something? I shrugged it off.

No matter. For now, I just need to finalize my plan and get ready. In my pace, I might be able to execute the plan in a few days. Soon, (YN) will be mine. All mine.

Back to Regular POV

After classes, Cruise asked you if you wanted a ride. But you said you and your dad had to go somewhere so he will pick you up.

"You sure?" Cruise asked. "Yeah, Im sorry." You answered. "Its just that we really need to go to the vet later."

As I waited for my dad, I saw Cyrus. I pretended to not notice him, but he saw me. He sat beside me while I was waiting.

I felt a bit uneasy around him. Cyrus noticed and pulled you close to him. You blushed as he did so. He smirked as he made you face him.

Cyrus kissed you on the cheek. You blushed even more and Cyrus was just smiling.

Soon, your car came into view. "I have to go now." You say to him as you stand up. Cyrus made annoyed groans causing you to giggle.

"Its fine." You say. "We'll see each other tomorrow anyway." You wave goodbye to him and get into your car.

Once there, your dad asked, "Ready to go?" You nodded and put Mango's cage on your lap. Soon, you were off to the vet.

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