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This is just a lil preview to the story nothing deep the real business start in like 2 or 3 idk

"Wha-" I said in confusion as I couldn't believe what the man infront of me was saying

"ARGHH!! How many times should I explain this to you??" The man said in frustration

"It's just not a believable story" I answered back

"What part of a gold being hidden under a building with proof is not believable???" He said back

"Well ur dirty as fuck,messy hair and a really bad body odour telling me there's gold under an old building and u want my team to dig it out.." I said

"I'm telling you woman I heard and saw with my own eyes I even have proof I'm homeless how can I afford a phone"

"So the phone is not yours?"


"So u came to the police station to tell me u stole a phone...."

"If u won't help I'll find someone else!"He got up to leave

"Sure I'm a detective not a treasure Hunters"

"Oh Gilbert.."

"It's Gilbeot"

"Take this money and umm buy some soap and toothpaste for yourself"

He took it and then walked out counting the money

"Tsch not even a thank you" I said to myself looking at him dirty

"Leave the man alone! He must have some mental problems" said my co-worker laughing

"I became a detective to solve cases not dig up some dirt" I said back as I started to pack my stuff

"Are u leaving already" He asked
I nodded as I kept on packing not looking at him cause I knew what he was about to ask next.
"Do u want to go out sometimes..?"

I sighed. This man never learns to give up. He asks me this every.single.day  for 3 years now.

"I have plans" I answered simply and started to leave

"Ms.Park you always say that"

Ding! My phone notification alarm rang
I took my phone out to check it.

'Where are you?'
I checked the time and it was 10:18

"Goodbye Mr.Park" I said as I turned my back on him and started to walk. He kept on saying some nonsense but I honestly couldn't care any less.

I got out of the building and saw Junwoo waving at me with a huge ass smile printed on his face

I ran to him quickly as if I hadn't seen him in 690 years even tho we were together this morning

Junwoo: Yah!! What took u so long!!

Me: It was only 18 minutes

Junwoo: Still!!

Me: How did u even get here so early

Junwoo: Oh didn't I tell u? I'm a special person at my work place!

Me: a special brain damaged intern?



Junwoo: I actually have..drum roll please *him making drumming movements and sound* telekinesis that's how I teleported here

Me: U wish...

Junwoo: I'm serious! How was work

Me: The same old bullshit!! I think I need a new place to work at

Junwoo: I wouldn't recommend that. Ur boss really favours u,u might get promoted into a higher position. Also wusang works with u meaning there are more chances of us meeting each other. Also why would u change workplaces? You are literally moving to a new apartment closer to here

Me: True...I guess I have to deal with Jinyoung's nonsense for a longer time

Junwoo: Tell him to back off,ur mine😌😌

✨Time skip✨
I opened the door of my apartment with sleepy Junwoo. He was half asleep laying his head on my back and walking...slowly.

I made a way through my boxes to my living room and laid  Junwoo there. I then slowly made my way to the bathroom to cleanse myself and head to bed.

I will be moving tomorrow to a new house,Junwoo was supposed to help me pack the rest of my stuff but I guess not he fell asleep. As you can see he's the most helpful boyfriend that there is.

I put on my bathroom as I head to the kitchen to grab some biscuits to chew on. I wasn't hungry but I wanted something in my mouth. I went through the bathroom and saw Junwoo's phone buzzing.

I look at the phone....
Then him....
Then the phone....
Then him....

'I don't think the buzz is going to wake him up' I thought to myself

I walked to the boy laying on my bed not moving at all.

"Gosh.." I started shaking him like crazy. Ya know like when you put something in the blender but it won't blend and u shake it.

"JUNWOO!!" I continued shaking him until I saw a smile appear on his face.

"Yah Junwoo,this might be a really important call.."

He opened one eye to peek at me then quickly closed it all while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Argh Fine..." I said rolling my eyes. I walked closer to the bed,bending my knees duh or else I'll fall flat on him. U crawled closer to his face and got closer to his ears slowly whispering



𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now