The mission

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"Don't worry Lily i'm sure they'll call today" Junwoo assured me as i laid on his chest on my bed.

"Promise..?" I asked quietly as I lifted my head to look at him

And he lightly shifted to look at me and I assured me with a smile "I promise"


I walked towards my door as I heard a knock. I opened it and saw a woman. She quickly greeted me

"Hello I am Kwak Heesoo,your neighbour and u are?"

"Umm..Park Narae" I greeted back

"Aaaah what is a beautiful woman like you doing here" she said under her breathe

"We are having a gathering with the other tenants at 12..are you busy"

"No no Where will we be meeting?"

"In Larry's studio.." Of course I didn't know who the hell Larry was so I had confusing on my face

"I can take you there. I will be here at 11:45" the she bowed and left. After that I closed my door to get breakfast. Junwoo had already left for work....wait damn minute why is he practically living in my house? He has been sleeping here for the past month almost 2 months...did he perhaps got kicked out? I SWEAR TO GOD THIS MAN WILL KILL ME WITH HIS BRAIN DAMAGED SELF!!!

(ya know what imma start putting outfits)


Hanseok entered the house humming a song. And Hanseo was in the house humming a song.

Both of the brothers thought to themselves 'Well he looks happy today'

Hanseok: Yah why do you look so happy today? What happened at the meeting with the police agency?

Hanseo: It went well...


Hanseok: Well what happened is not going to tell itself

Hanseo: They offered a deal. For them to be on our side we have to fund them on an investigation they're doing in China and the mission itself is going to give us some profits

Hanseok: What's it about....

Hanseo: The dissappearnce of-

Hanseok: Park Changmin

Hanseo: Yes yes I suggest we accepet the offer we can gain a lot of intel about gongxi and ms.park has- *he was ranting and trying to convince his brother*

Hanseok: Accept the offer. And add a tight security around Ms.Park and her peers

Hanseo: *trying to hold in his joy* yes sir,thank you sir

Hanseok turned around to look at his younger brother "Why were you trying to convince me so hard..."

Hanseo: well i-uhh just have a lot of intrest in the case...and i-uhm anticipating the intel about- uhh gongxi

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