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"Just give me a minute"

"You said that 23 minutes ago...actually 24 minutes ago"

"Junwoo-ahh what's the rush.."

"The ship, it'll leave in an hour"

"UGHHH Why did you book it soo early" I said rolling off bed.

"C'mon get up!"


We enter the ferry just like any other normal people.

"I can't believe i'll be stuck on the sea for 4 hours" I whined

"You said you didn't want to take a plane" -Junwoo

"Yeah, cause if it were to crash, i can't fly but I can swim" -Me

"Mmm? Can you tho?" -Junwoo

"Shut up! You can so i'll hold you" -Me

"The last time you stuck to me while swimming you drowned both of us!" -Junwoo

"I was panicking okay!!" -Me

"Well it doesn't mean you should poke my eyes with your middle fingers!!!" -Junwoo

I couldn't help but burst into laughter as the event flood into my head. We were in a water park in New York with Hwan and Haneul. I had just met them and told them I graduated my swimming classes so they thought I was a pro....I mean I didn't lie but the stage I graduated was the first stage, like the kids pool, where you can stand and it'll only cover your legs or barely.

So we decided to take a ride on a huge ass slide but that slide's pool was deep and they had gone first waiting for me in the pool. They were casually just floating so I thought the pool wasn't that deep, boiiii were you wrong.

The moment my body made contact with pool as I went under the pool I realized that it was deep and not close to what I was used to AT ALL. 

I somehow managed to put my head on the surface of the pool but I knew I couldn't hold longer. I started motioning my arms up and down as If I was a bird flapping it wings and gasping for air as the water kept coming into my mouth.

"Jun..junwoo......junwoo HHELpP" I barely managed to say as I was caught in the momentum trying to save my ass here.

He turned to look at me and this man was laughing I WAS ABOUT TO DIE HERE and he just laughed as he swam closer to me.

He help my hand as I kept panicking still laughing at me.

"Relax, I got you now" he said casually. I just wrapped myself around his body not wanting to touch the water, but pf course it was dumb cause he himself was in the water.

"I can't move if your hole body is around me like that" -Junwoo

"Well i'm not letting go!" -Me

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now