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"Where are we going?" you asked Vincenzo who was looking towards the road because he was driving.

"Mr.Nam told me that Mr.Hong used to visit one of his clients every last Tuesdays of the month. She's in prison." -Vincenzo

"Okay....so why did you want me to come?" I asked confused

"The woman is Oh Gyeongja" -Vincenzo

Shock appeared on my face "What? She's in prison?What did she do?" I asked

"Falsely accused of murder" he said calmly as he continued driving.

"B-but why did you want me to come?" I said a little more quietly looking at my shoes

"It's not an ideal place to meet your mom for the first time in decades.. but this is the last time i'm going to see her, and at least you can see your biological mother once again" -Vincenzo

"I wasn't ready to see her" -Me

"I know. But after this it'll be off your chest" -Vincenozo

"Does she know that i'm coming?" -Me

"She doesn't know i'm coming either nor does she know that....i'm her son"

"Oh...are you going to tell her?" -Me

"No! She abandoned me, and i'll stay like that in her life" -Vincenzo

"Are you always this calm?"


I followed him through the building cause I had no idea where I was going. I'm a detective not a police. This is actually my first time in a prison building.

I sat next to Vincenzo and after a little while the door clanked and we saw 2 guards and a woman in the middle, visibly walking weakly.

'Is she sick?' I thought to myself. I look towards Vincenzo who just sat there calmly.

'Does this man have emotions?' I thought to myself again.

Vincenzo got up to stand then I follow him too. I just stood there like should I smile? Should I look away? Should I look like annoyed Chayoung?

The woman.....Gyeongja. I'm not ready to call her mom yet. Thanked the guards and soon they left a little "Oh" came out of her mouth weakly as she smiled at us.

"Annyeonghaseyo" she bowed, Vincenzo just moved his head but I bowed back then

Ms.Oh:May I ask who she is? She said weakly

"She's my sister. She tagged along here" -Vincenzo

'I can talk too you know' I bowed a little towards Ms.Oh and she bowed back

"Sit please" -Vincenzo said with his expressionless face

Vincenzo: How are you feeling?

Ms.Oh: Oh...I'm doing okay. There's less pain today at least.

'So she is sick. ALSO WHY AM I HERE AM I JUST GOING TO SIT HERE AND SAY NOTHING' I was freaking out on my mind

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now