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Nari turned around not knowing what to say

Junwoo sighs and grabs Naris wrist and pulls her close to him frustrated with her lack of words

"What's wrong Nari." Junwoo pulls her closer and wraps his left arm around her lower back while his right hand caresses her cheeks with an evil glint concealed in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for losing my temper. I was being unreasonable" -Junwoo said

"No no, you were right. I'm the one who was being close minded" Nari replied looking up at him

"Lily-ah, there's something I want to tell you before it's too late" he held Nari's shoulders softly with both of his hands looking straight into her eyes

" You know you can trust me right. I could never do anything to hurt you. I love you, I really do. Even tho sometimes I lack to show you how much you truly mean to me, there's nothing in this world that could make you love you less. You mean the world to me Saenarae" At the end he gave her a hug

Still in the tight hug "There's something I really want to tell you. I'm financially stable. Let's move in together, I want to fulfill the promise I promised you from the beginning. It's been tough these past weeks, but I really want to give you the life you deserve"

Nari gave a sweet small smile "Hanie-ah, did you practice that?"

"I was hoping to rehearse before telling you, but I guess it just came out" Junwoo replied

"I love you too Junwoo, i'm not the best in words so I can't outdo you're sweet poetry, but I hope you also know how much I love you and as long as i'm here I won't allow you to ever go through anything alone"

Junwoo smiles and pulls nari closer, closing the gap between them to the point he could feel every breath nari took. He smirks and looks down at her lips then finally in one swift movement closes the gap between them and grabs her chin and connects their lips together. Like muscle memory their lips start noving in union and jungwoo wraps his hands around her waist and closes the gap completely and deepends the kiss. Nari lets out a giggle causing jungwoo too pull away hands still on her waist and looking at her lovingly. " i will always love you. Only you my girl" he says and pecks her cheeks.


On my way to the warehouse I picked up Haneul, Hwan and Inkuk, just in case he's from the MSS. Which is too little manpower cause helloo the MSS..but Vincenzo doesn't want anymore people knowing about the warehouse.

I park in front of the abandoned place and we leave the car in a rush. Running towards the building, we quickly come close to this opening that's covered  by a thick green plastic-ey rag stuff. As we walked more into the building we see Vincenzo, his two 'cleaners' and a man with his eyes covered tied to a chair.

"Has he said anything yet?" -Nari asked

"Yes.." Vincenzo puts his hands in his pocket "..but no one can understand him. He only speaks Chinese"

"Oh okay" -Nari stood there not knowing what to do next

"Ms. Park, shouldn't we take this man to the station instead of here?" -Inkuk asked as he got closer

"No..he might get frightened" -Nari

"He's tied to a chair, blindfolded and gagged" he stated " And you think he might not get frightened here?" -Inkuk

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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