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We knocked on the security room with me in front, Haneul and Hwan behind me and like 4 other bodyguards that was added by BABEL. We stood there with MSS (The Chinese equivalent of the FBI) nametags, we know how strict the chinese government is for god sake it's a communist country.

As I was about to knock another knock on the mall's security room a tired looking man opened the door a little and peeking his head through.

"Can I help you" the man asked

"MSS" I said as I lifted the fake tag that was given to us.

"Oh!! Sorry sorry..c-come in" he said a little bit startled

'Lord what does the government do to them' I thought (if i go missing just know it's the chinese -from author)

"Show us CCTV from Aug 31 2007" I said looking at the present live footage on the computer

"But Ma'am....wasn't it all deleted?" he asked

"We came here to check if the footage is permanently gone" I said to him

"Well no worries-" He was assuring but a older man came out of the corner and asked "Why would the MSS recheck the footages when they can easily hack into the system"

"I'm sorry..?" I asked. The old man looking like in his fifties just walked closer with both of his hands behind him.

"What? Are you a new agent? It seems like you didn't get all of the orders"

"It's always good and safe to recheck that evidence like these won't be traceable. Better safe than sorry" I said countering the man's arrogant tone.

He walked closer to me and whispered "I never thought Piao Liling will be working for the MSS"

I became shocked. And confused, who the hell is this man. He backed up and told us "Go check the footages yourself" 

I made the other men check the footages before Aug 31 2007, because that's what we were really there for.

As I stood at the back looking at the footages I was also trying to figure a way for the mall security guards to leave. We were checking a lot of footages and we need time to scan it and see who was there and if dad was there too, so we needed some way to transfer it into the usb. 

We can't just do it infront of them, what if the MSS actually comes here and they say we had contracted footages and the fact that this random man knows my name is also worrying.

Haneul: Aish jinjja, this is going to take us the hole day.

Our heads turn into haneul was was already complaining in frustration....she spoke in KOREAN! I hope the guards just think that she's korean working for  the MSS....I hope

"Y-you're not from the MSS are you" the younger guard stated. My gaze shifted from him to the older one who just had a grin on his looking somewhere else.


"You're asking for a data that was told to us to be forgotten,Mr.Wong is talking informally and one of you talked in korean!" he said

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now