Choi Myunghee

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"If u two say anything or do anything stupid I will buy a big fat pizza and eat it in.front.of.your.face" I threatened Hwan and Haneul

Haneul: Oooohh u wouldn't dare

Hwan: hana don't you remember Nov 26 2030 9.18pm


I had arranged a meeting with my boss Chief Lee (well mr.Bang did but i'm taking credit) to talk about my father's investigation. My father went missing years ago and was pronouced dead by the chinese polite days after he went missing. They claimed to have found his body and have his body but we never got his body. My mom and i had complained to them several times to get his body and lay his body to rest but they claimed that he was 'heavily radioactive' HEAVILY RADIOACTIVE MY ASS

As I got older I begun to think how suspicious they were. And how the actions of my father days before he went missing was suspicious.

Mr.Bang: The chief has arrived

We all got up and bowed to him and him and he bowed back. He walked and sat in front of me.

Mr.Lee: Ms.Park why do you call me here today?

Me: I came here to talk about Park Changmin's case.

Mr.Lee: aahhh yes. Have you found something to lead your investigation?

Me: yes sir. Earlier today my team found a 119 call he had made on the day he went missing,we believe that was his last public contact.

Mr.Lee: Could you play it for me?

Me: Yes sir

Mr.Bang took the recorder out and started playing the 119 call

Mr.Lee: So what do you wish from me tonight?

Me: We wish for u to aid us with this investigation. As we all know investigations that holds place in China is extremely high to get and to get that information you need a higher class of an investigation team in other words the NIS and even the NIS can not get information that easily so after our offer to the NIS is accepted we plan to let one of our spies to go undercover into the chinese military base...and the one my father was last recorded in to maybe find some clues...and I myself is willing to do that.

Mr.Lee: woow Ms.Park you're asking asking a lot. What makes you think that Park's disappearance is connected to the chinese government?

Me: Mr.Park is a chemist that worked for GongXi he is a very important person and a key person to all their products. If something was not wrong he would not have tried to flee China and discard all of the formulas....besides if it was just an average everyday disappearance information about his whereabouts and cctv would not be this hard to find

Mr.Lee: *sigh* And what if he turns out to be dead after all...? What will happen to the money that will go to this hole project?

Me: I'm willing o work for free or pay back with my own pocket if he turns out to be least father can lay to sleep and be at peace

Mr.Lee: This is a big thing you're asking...but for you i'll do it. For all the years you've been here all your cases have been solved and you've never been wrong so therefore I trust that what you're telling me is true but it's a big case set in china we will need a bigger budget....

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