Things change from here...

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Tenants POV:

Youngho ran through the corridors to where his mother and the tenants were celebrating her birthday. He opened the sliding door to inform what was going on outside the building

"MOM!!" Youngho shouted but she kepts on dancing

"MOM. COME ON!! -Youngho

"You brat. How dare you interrupt your mom when she's singing!!" - Ms.Kwak yelled back

"You know those thugs that come here?" Youngho continued "They're beating up Ms.Park!!" he said worriedly




The tenants reacted in unison

"DAMN IT!!" Miri slammed her hand on the table

"Mwoya...?!!" Mr.Tak dropped his chopsticks

Mr.Lee: Those assholes have really asked for it now

Mr.Tak started rolling up his sleeves and the others laughing in anger

"THERE. WILL. BE. BLOOOD" Mr.Lee exclaimed

Mr.Tak: "They brought this up themselves" he said continuing to roll up his sleeves and continued "I'll kill them all. Let's do this!" he told the other tenants


They got up ready to fight with youngho leading the way and running outside followed by a walking Mr. Tak

The other tenants messily followed behind



"Are you wearing shoes?"


"WE'LL GET THEM" Ms.Kwak took a small rice bag yelling behind


Now that Narae was on the ground trying to regain her balance but she couldn't because she was getting repeatedly hit she tried her best and stood up standing like Larry's choreography zombies..

The thugs were confused " What the hell? Is she okay??" the stopped to see what was going on, but soon after Narae fell on the ground, one of the thugs kicked her so they could see her face. Her eyes were closed and lying on the ground like a dead body...

"Did we kill her..?"

"I don't think she's dead...?"

"She better not, I am not done with her, put respect on my name bullshit" Sunam said and soon his focus went back to Mr.Ahn "Yah!! You thought we were done with you??" he nudged the other guys to go back to Mr.Ahn, and they started beating him up too.

As they were kicking they head a group of people shouting and running towards them with a red flag in their hands. They turned around to see the tenants running towards them.

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now