Hanseok = Junwoo?

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JangBro's POV

The brothers sat in a dining sitting, only two of them. Hanseo was sitting down first waiting for Hanseok. Soon after Hanseok joined him, sitting at the opposite of the brother. The table wasn't that dramatically long ass table rich people in movies be sitting on ( like they be talking in the lowest voice and someone 87Km afar can hear them)

Hanseo: Are you expecting someone?

"Naah" Hanseok said getting ready to start eating his food then he realizes "I put someone in Italy to look into Vincenzo" He said in a soft normal tone, not too childish or animated like when he's acting dramatic with Chayoung and not too serious and scary like he is with Hanseo when he's mad. Just a normal tone a normal guy with no mental problems and buried bodies in his backyard, the tone he usually speaks to Nari.

"Ooh. Did you get anything on him yet?" Hanseo asks, genuinely interested

"When he's back, we'll see" Hanseok smiled

"Right" Hanseo looked down to his food to it then he looks back up to look at his elder brother...then he continues to eat

Hanseok on the other hand was looking at Hanseo, just pondering then he asked "You weren't quite prepared for last night, were you?"

(Prepared for what you might be asking. Oh nothing, just last night when their men kidnapped that powerful dude and his associate, Myunghee and Hanseo trying to make him talk but that wasn't needed cause our favourite human Mr. Jang Hanseok come in a legit half murdered a man with an Ice hockey stick....ps. A lot of blood was on the site)

Hanseo's gaze immediately spikes up. He slowly starts smiling and says "No not really. It just goes to show how much more I can learn from you"

Hanseok let's out a smile "Hmm Okay" and nods, going back to his food

"From now on, we need perfect execution" -Hanseok said 'perfect' in english and Hanseo nodded

"You got extra security?" -Hanseok

"Ye- yes. More bodyguards in two teams in case someone tails me" Hanseo replies

Hanseok gave another proud nod and says "Okay" in English and again proceeds to eat.

Hanseo sits quietly wondering if he should ask or not.

"Joonwoo, sir..."


"There's something I need to tell you."

Hanseok looks at him "mmmm"

"You messed up again from the look on your face" -Hanseok

Now Hanseo doesn't know how to say it and disappointment reveals itself across his face




I don't know who told this man that telling his brother who has anger issues infront of kitchen utensils was a smart idea.

The glass shatters to the wall and Hanseo barely dodges it. Saying his face was shooketh wit his arms in front of his face would be an understatement.

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