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'Was it too rushed' I asked myself as I laid on my bed. I got up soon looking at Oh Gyeongja's documents. My eyes moved to the part where it read her kids

'Park Juhyeong,Park Jiyeon"
I laid on my bed again just flopping to it with my arms wide open.
'Is there a possibility that he might be alive. Maybe we can meet- What are you thinking!!'
Then I got up again.
'This is all just messed up'

I looked at Oh Gyeongja's ex husband's name 'Park Changmin'

"I shouldn't have told her,I rushed it all" I said to myself as I flopped on my bed again.
'Now I'm suing the company who is aiding on the search to find my father'


 You put your phone on airplane mode and laid your head back on the seat. You had a lot of space. Mr.Jang had bought the ticket on first class, but not for everyone. Just you,him, Mr.Bang and some of his assistants. It was a really early flight,like 6am flight. You were tired and wanted to sleep,you hadn't had any sleep last night- today- this morning? Because you and Junwoo had a really long time about your family and your future together.

I closed my eyes as I heard Mr.Bang and Mr.Jang having their lil chit chat and laughing while eating breakfast.

'Who even eats breakfast on people that's who' I thought

"Ms.Park your food is here too. You can eat" I heard the younger man say. I opened my eyes and told him that I was fine and just wanted a little sleep and we'll arrive in an hour an a half,but Mr.Bang told me that the investigation with me will start tomorrow as they need to check places where they'll check cctv and make sure they don't snitch to the government ,so I can eat and sleep later.

"You know you could've do that earlier. We had 2 days" I said as I got up getting my food

Mr.Bang: Yes but we didn't realize all these earlier until yesterday evening

I sighed and just ate.


I was waiting for Mr.Bang and Jang who were doing something somewhere,then someone called

"Have you arrived??" -Junwoo

"Yes why?" - Me

"Just to make sure you arrived safely" -Junwoo

"Oh okay. I'll call you tonight when i'm done with some stuff, okay" - Me

"Okay,STAY SAFE!" -Junwoo

"Yes,baibai" - Me

"Bye Lily,I love you" -Junwoo

"Love you too-" -Me

"Wait!! You are going to the hotel right" - Junwoo

"Yeah..." -Me

"Lily,u are going there right" -Junwoo

"Yes I am...chill" -Me

"LILY!" -Junwoo

"JUNWOO!" I said copying his tone to mock him

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍  망각 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now