The continuation of the story

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Hello, world

Okay so, summer break just started and I finally have time to continue the story. I'm going to be honest it started of as procrastination then laziness then school came in and I forgot about this book. The craziest thing to me is I published this in 2021 and it's like 2023, and all these times I had finished unpublished drafts!!

I will try my best to complete this story this summer, I have all the time in the world. Since you guys are the readers I would like to hear some suggestions from you guys on how the story might go. I have an idea of it, but i'm curious about your opinions and suggestions and I can improve the storyline with your suggestions. Multiple heads are better than one!!

In the series Hanseok and Hanseo dies. Should Hanseok be given a redemption era? How do you think the case with Narae's father will go? Is there something about the series you did not like at all and you want it to be changed? Narae's and Hanseok's relationship (Even Narae and Hanseo's relationship? Anything really, feel free to comment or leave a private message. Trust me, I will be reading them and taking in account every suggestion.

I will also try to improve the writing, I had to re-read the whole book again cause i've honestly forgotten how far we were into the story and what kind of evidences Narae has gotten regarding her father's case. YES I will proofread this time, the amount of mistakes, I wrote Tit-kok instead of Tik-tok, accidentally writing Hanseok while Junwoo was speaking and my whole thought process being left out cause I forgot to write the full picture of what was going on.

I will also try to make it less childish, bare with me I was 2 years younger when I wrote this. I will also not let everything be that rushed. I honestly feel like Vincenzo telling Narae about their relationship was rushed in my opinion and Hanseo talking about his brother to Hwan, Haneul and Narae was tooooo early. Like this man has a gun to face no WAY he would actually tell that to a bunch of detectives working with BABEL.

So please, any suggestions and ideas please don't be shy and suggest it

And dw, i'm continuing the story as you read this now.

Ik damn well yall did not read that essay

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