Junwoo x Nari

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"Here's your order miss" the waitress said lending the fried chicken meal I ordered for me and Junwoo. "Thank you" I slightly bowed and took the plastic bag.

I walked further from the counter and looked at the glass window and sighed. Great timing, Junwoo just walked in. He smiled at me and walked closer.

"You ordered?" he asks

"Yeah, let's go and eat"

Both of us walked out from the building (Incase you're curious Vincenzo dropped me off and took his car)

"Where's your car?" Junwoo asked as he opened his car door

"Home" I simply said and entered his car

"Oh okay" he nodded and also sat in his car

"Sorry, the meeting took longer than usual"Junwoo apologizes

" Junwoo-ah..." I said

"Mm?" - Junwoo

"What the heck have you been upto? Why are u so mature all of a sudden" I said in a very unserious tone almost in a mocking manner

"Yah! What are you implying by that?" He took an offence to it jokingly " I Jang Junwoo am the most maturest man alive" He stated

"Psch Maturest isn't even a word" -Nari

His eyes turned to look at the take away on my lap

"Are you gonna open that" he asked

"Yes...at home" I knew he wanted to eat it now

"But i'm hungry! You don't want me to die from starvation do you!!" -Junwoo

"Aish just watch the road" -Nari

"Lily-ah i'm serious! That meeting was dreadfully painful, even my stomach suffered" -Junwoo

"I can imagine that. Same room with Myunghee for longer than 10 minutes gosh only god knows how you people suffer" -Nari "What was the meeting about?"

"Mmm thr basics. Not gonna lie tho.." he says tactfully stealing the take away from my lap, taking a box and then a chicken thigh out as he stopped at the red light "It was on of the best meetings in my life. I have so much anticipation for the future now" he says biting into the chicken thigh and continuing to drive

"Sheesh like what did they give free rolexes or sumn?" I say also opening up the other takeaway box

"No..BUT we made so many deals with international companies regarding our market, we were conversing and all I actually felt like part of the team yaknow" -Junwoo

"Junwoo.." I said

"Mhhm?" -Junwoo

"You're a lawyer, what market?" -Nari

"Ahh... Right I left this out. The meeting was with BABEL" -Junwoo

"Babel?" -Nari "Oh...so like being the legal representative on contracts and stuff like that" -Nari

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