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"Hanie-ah u got a call"

A big smirk appeared on his face as he immediately got up with a happy grin on his face making me also get up quickly.

He just sat there with the grin on his face and staring at me as I sat on his lap. I just now he was trying soo hard not to tease me for calling him Hanie.

"So are you going to pick it or not"

"Aiishh.." he got up and walked towards his phone that was on my makeup table. He looked at the caller id and excused himself from me and headed to the kitchen.

I put on my pjs then headed to the kitchen for my long awaited cookie.

"Don't ever call me for such nonsense again. Fix it before I get home" I heard my boyfriend whispering but clearly angry at whoever he was talking to.

'Fix what?' I thought to myself as I walked to him and back hugged him. I didn't bother to ask what he was talking about. Trust wasn't an issue in our relationship and we pretty much each other everything.

He turned around to look at me and I couldn't help but realize a sudden nervousness on his face.

"Do what I told you, I'm ending the call" He put his phone down from his ears turned around and attempted to hug me

"No hugs until I am full"

"Humph meanie" he starting doing all kinds of arguing just to get 5 seconds of hug

"Sheesh it'll only take me like 10seconds to get some biscuits"

"Why does my aegyo not work on you anymore!!" He said being all pouty

"Ew stop being cringy" I said as I took one cookie out of the box.
"Maybe if u were a kpop idol it'll work"

"Haha funny" he said sarcastically as he took the hole cookie box


"Catch me if u can" he said as he started to run around my house laughing





I took my phone and turned the alarm off. I looked at the time (yes I set my alarm to a certain time and woke up to look at it don't judge me my brain just woke up) and it was 5.12am.

I exhaled as I looked at my right to see Junwoo sleeping like a baby. He was so peaceful just laying there, breathe so soothing and looking at him just calmed u down, he looked like he had no worries in life and was laid in a super soft cloud-

If I can't have peace no one can!!!

After yelling on top of my lungs this man did not move a inch. He's always sleeping like a dead body sometimes it scares the hell out of him.


Then there he was getting up like a vampire. He was stiff as hell,not blinking at all with his eyes wide open and a poker face....I don't think he's even breathing. I moved closer to see if he was breathing but that journey soon ended as he suddenly turned his head towards me looking like an angry kitten.

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