Put some respect on her name

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I parked my car and walked towards the geumga building. I was so tired I felt like I was about to pass out and my legs were so sluggish, I could just fall to the ground and stay there for the night.

I grunted as I still had a while to get to my bed tho the building was like kilometer away. From afar I saw Youngho with a camera and kneeling behind a stone and filming the geumga building. Before I could judge anything out of it, 3 black van out of nowhere came and stopped right in front of geumga.

The doors open and I see Park Seokdo with his usual messy hair in white stepping out from the van and it was followed by his gang in black suits and blue shirt coming out from the 3 vans .

Then I heard Sunam, One of the gang members yell "Hey!" I followed his eyes and I see Mr.Ahn coming with groceries in both of his hands.

Mr.Ahn nervously stops as the gang members surround him.

"No spaghetti with nails tonight?" Sunam mockingly says

"No" And Mr.Ahn answered a little bit annoyed, then he gulps and says "Sorry"

Don't ask me how I hear them, I just do.

"You don't seem very sorry" Sunam said as he grabbed Mr.Ahn's jacket

I walked closer to them, but close to Youngho I stopped after Sunam yelled something about Mr.Ahn being a protestor cause he was wearing red.

Then Mr.Ahn just smiling as greeted someone. Me and the gang members look towards his eyes direction seeing no one. Mr.Ahn dropped his groceries and started running towards my direction as the gang followed

"HEY!GET HIM!" Sunam yelled

One of the members was carrying a metal bat and hit Mr.Ahn's back and they got a hold of him. I'm wondering why I'm just standing and watching not doing anything.

It continued as one of them kicked Mr.Ahn to the floor and they started beating him up. I took my phone out of my bag and took a picture of them then I took out a small milk carton Jinyoung gave me and walked towards the gang.

I don't know why i'm walking, I don't know what I'm planning, I don't know if I can handle them, but if I can survive a bunch of assassin's then I'll surely handle these 2nd hand gangsters. Youngho looks at me and runs to the building without being detected by the gangsters.

"YAH!" I yelled as I threw the carton at them. It just happened to spill on one of them, not my fault...just saying.

Some of them turn to look around as some didn't even realize I was there and continued beating up Mr.Ahn

4 of them walks to me acting all cocky.

"Oh if it isn't the police girl. Are you here to arrest us" he said mockingly as the others behind him laugh.

I feel like they've practiced this before cause it sounds like those cheesy scenes from Netflix teen movies.

"I'm not here to have a chit-chat with you. Let Mr.Ahn go" I blatantly said not really knowing what to say. He chuckles and soon the others beating Mr.Ahn realized what was going on 

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