Chapter 1

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Snowpaw scampered towards his father. "Father! You shouldn't do that! That's against the will of StarClan!" He huffed.

"Snowpaw, this is for the sake of ShadowClan." Darkstar meowed. "ShadowClan's getting weaker and weaker now."

"But..." Snowpaw's gaze wavered, "There must be other ways!"

"We need to defend ourselves." Darkstar's eyes gleamed.

"I don't think you fully understand this plan's advantage." Darkstar continued. "Let me explain to you..."

"I know I know!" Snowpaw interrupted. "We don't allow the elders to stay in ShadowClan!" Snowpaw stared at his father angrily.

"Not that!" Darkstar groaned. "The warriors who want to stay when they are old need to have the leader's permission! If they cannot please the leader, they are going to leave the Clan."

"That's the same thing!" Snowpaw mewed challengingly. "This plan is literally rubbish!"

"You just let the old cats who praise you and give you preys when they are young stay in this camp!" Snowpaw snorted. "And the cats who tell the truth you shoo them away when they are old!"

"How dare you challenge me!?" Darkstar shouted furiously. "There's a lot more plans to make ShadowClan stronger."

"What plans?" Snowpaw flinched, but continued impatiently. "I hope they aren't as rubbish as the elder plan!" That elder plan was just cruel!

"The elder plan isn't rubbish!" Darkstar retorted. "Plus, It has already started."

"The next plan is to find the other Clans and to make the DarkforestClan." Darkstar mewed.

Snowpaw widened his eyes with a horrified look. "Are you serious? Every cat knows how bad the Dark Forest is!"

"With the help of other Clans, we can gain more prey even though we cannot catch much, isn't that excellent?" Darkstar meowed proudly.

"No!" Snowpaw huffed, and stomped away angrily. "StarClan will not be happy with that!" And neither will I!

Snowpaw ran back to the medicine cat den and started sorting out the herbs. If I can't do anything, at least I have herbs to sort out.

"I'm sorry, son. This is not for the sake of ShadowClan, but for the sake of..." Darkstar murmured and looked into the dark sky sadly, a tear dropped down from his eyes. "I really don't want to do these plans, but the Dark Forest has something as hostage, it is as precious as you, Snowpaw." Hostage? Snowpaw's head flung back to the direction of his father.

"What's been kept hostage?" Snowpaw asked urgently. Darkstar's face twisted with worry.

"I'm sorry. But if I tell you. I'm afraid we will lose it forever."


Amberfur rushed into the leader's den. "Rainstar, you got to hear this!" She exclaimed.

"Is it a prophecy?" Rainstar asked calmly.

"Yes," Amberfur recited. "Reflections may be dark, though this time another serves. Droplets may be in danger unless they find the wolf that howls."

"We don't have any cat whose prefix is wolf...Neither do any other Clans." Rainstar stated.

"True," Amberfur agreed. "Does this mean that we have to find a real wolf and help us? Just like the badger."

"But finding a wolf is useless in this case...It'll be too dangerous." Rainstar's mew filled with worry.

Amberfur shook her head sadly. "This is quite a hard prophecy to interpret. It seems far more complex than what we think."

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