Chapter 13

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Darkstar sat on his moss bedding awhile, thinking about how he could start the battle with RainClan after the gathering.

Maybe not the prey thing again... Darkstar thought. It will make the whole thing suspicious... But I don't know what to do if I don't do the prey thing... Maybe steal some herbs and scatter the herbs towards the path to RainClan... But we have three medicine cats... How am I supposed to do that?

Maybe I can just call a meeting and say herb scents on the grass with RainClan scents. No cat would doubt me!

Darkstar was confident that it would be a good idea. He planned all the steps one by one.

First, I will tell Mintclaw I'm going to hunt. Then, I will catch some prey, and find some catmint. After that, I will scatter the catmint and put some RainClan scents there. At last, I will call a meeting to announce this.

Darkstar was very satisfied with his plan. He went to sleep immediately and went to the Dark Forest.

"I heard that you didn't succeed with my order." Tigerstar started and flicked his tail slowly. He paused a while to make Darkstar to sense his authority.

"I have another plan, my Lord." Darkstar protested. "I'm sure I will succeed.

"Sure!" Tigerstar flicked his tail happily and smirked. "You better not fail me again."

"Of course not, my Lord." Darkstar dipped his head. Ugh, he makes me do such weird things.

"Good." Tigerstar purred. "Take a good rest. I can't wait to hear the good news. I will send you back to let you sleep now."

Huh... Why does Tigerstar sound so nice today...? No, I can still hear some threatening stuff hiding in his words.

"Thank you, my Lord." Darkstar answered politely. "I will complete your missions as quickly as possible."

"I will send you back to sleep." Tigerstar meowed, and Darkstar was tossed back.


Moonpaw stared at the apprentice's den's ceiling in boredom. Just go to sleep! She kept telling herself, but there was just a part in her brain that just couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow. Ughhh, time is going so slowly! I just want it to be sunrise already...

She sat up and looked around the apprentice's den, all the apprentices were already asleep and snoring silently. I'm going to be so bored... Is this really what I have to do when I sit vigil for my warrior ceremony?!?! She sighed in annoyance. I won't even have Sunpaw to keep me company because he's not going to be a warrior!

Moonpaw rolled around in her bedding beside Sunpaw, careful not to wake him up. I wonder what my warrior name would be... Skypaw's must be amazing no matter what! Her heart warmed as she thought about his crystal blue eyes she had locked eyes with last time they met. It seems like so long ago, but it's only been a day. Almost. Ugh. I need to go to sleep! Just brain, shut down!!! She moaned silently. The part of her brain was wide open, while all the other parts were shut down.

It felt like one part of her brain was like, "Hey guys, don't fall asleep! Let's let this apprentice not be able to sleep! She's gonna meet her crush tomorrow! We gotta let time go slower!"

The other parts of her brains were like, "Nah, I just really want to sleep dude, I'm sleepy. Honestly just go to sleep, stop bothering this poor cat."

Ugh. I want to go to sleep. Moonpaw demanded her brain cells.

"Yeah, just let her go to sleep dude." The other brain cells agreed.

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