Chapter 9

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"Moonpaw!" Willowheart called into the medicine den.

"What?" Moonpaw grumbled.

"Are you ready for training?" Willowheart asked. I kinda like being with Sunpaw... but I like training more. Moonpaw looked at Sunpaw for agreement.

"Yeah sure, she's ready." Sunpaw nodded.

"Yessss. Finally! It's been so long! Is Peachpaw already way ahead of me?" Moonpaw jumped up from the moss underneath her in excitement.

"No, we haven't learnt anything new yet, we wanted to wait for you to fully heal. Plus Peachpaw needed healing too." Willowheart explained. Phew.

"Great! Can we battle train now? Pleaseeeee?" Moonpaw begged.

"Sure, why not." Willowheart laughed. "But first, are you hungry?"

"No! Sunpaw always brings me fresh-kill so I don't need anymore." Moonpaw shook her head. Skypaw would've done that too... What am I thinking?!?! Again! He's SkyClan! I don't even know him too well! But I want to...

"Aw, what a good brother." Willowheart purred.

"Yeah." Moonpaw purred too, and followed her to the training hollow. "How's Peachpaw's battle training now? Do you think she'll be better than me?" I kinda still want to be better than her... Moonpaw sighed.

"Well, it depends if you got worse during the time you were resting in the medicine cat den!" Willowheart's tone was soft and joking, but Moonpaw felt a pang in her heart. Ugh. I shouldn't have gotten those stupid injuries! What if I'm not as good anymore, like Willowheart says?

"Okay..." Moonpaw murmured. I will get better! I must get better! Skypaw wouldn't look up at me otherwise! Ugh. I need to stop thinking about him! But I can't...Anyways... I need to practice battle moves more and be better than all the apprentices in RainClan! I admit I'm quite selfish though... But I just want to be the best warrior in all the Clans! Just like my mother, Rainstar! I mean... we did win the battle against RiverClan so... my moves shouldn't be too bad...

"Moonpaw, Peachpaw and Shadeclaw are waiting for us, be quick!" Willowheart prompted.

"Okay, I'm coming." Moonpaw rushed to the training hollow.


"Moonpaw! I'm going to get you this time!" Peachpaw's eyes glittered.

"I'll get you first!" Moonpaw purred.

"No I will!" Peachpaw purred too.

"Okay, get to your battle stances... and... fight!" Willowheart yowled. Moonpaw moved her weight to her hind legs, and prepared to jump on Peachpaw as she attacked Moonpaw. Aim for her back.

Peachpaw charged and aimed for Moonpaw's front paws, but Moonpaw was quick and dodged. Now's the time! Moonpaw pounced onto Peachpaw's back, and made her roll to her side. Moonpaw tried to stay balanced, but rolled off along with her. Dang it! I was so close! Peachpaw eyed her and pushed her to the ground. Go limp. Moonpaw remembered Willowheart's training sessions.

Moonpaw let her muscles rest and sink into the ground. Ah, this feels so much better... Better not get off guard though! Peachpaw's going to get off me soon!

"YES! I beat Moonpaw!" Peachpaw yowled triumphantly, and Willowheart's whiskers twitched, and Shadeclaw's eyes glittered. Rainstar did that to her once too. I remember Willowheart telling me that story before.

"Nice job, Peachpaw!" Shadeclaw stopped himself from bursting into laughter. Here's my moment! Moonpaw sprung up from her spot, and pushed Peachpaw to the ground.

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