Chapter 11

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(Sorry for not updating for a long while, we've been doing school work but we have a lot chapters to upload!)

Skypaw limped back to the camp. The gathering is near... And Wishleaf probably won't let me go! Ughh, why is my landing skills so bad? Probably because I'm not from SkyClan...

"Wishleaf!" Skypaw called. "I just broke one of my paws."

Wishleaf hurried towards Skypaw. "Hmm...I will have to put the bone back in its place."

"Will it hurt?" Skypaw was worried, and his fur went bristling.

"A bit, but just for a while." Wishleaf comforted him. "You will be fine."

"What should I do?" Skypaw asked.

"I will give you some poppyseeds and then I will use a cat bite stick to put the bone back in its place, and then I will give you another poppyseed." Wishleaf explained.

"Okay." Skypaw's fur flattened.


"Argh!" Skypaw was woken up by the pain. He gritted his teeth and asked. "Done?"

"Yes." Wishleaf answered. "Try walking for a while and you should sleep."

"What about the gathering?" Skypaw stood up. "I feel amazing right now! I don't need to sleep-"

"No, no, you should go to sleep." Wishleaf protested. "You need to be patient."

Skypaw rolled his eyes and sighed. Oh no... now I can't meet Moonpaw! She will be sad when I'm not in the gathering! Or will she? "But I want to go to the Gathering!"

Skypaw was uncertain. He got on his paws when Wishleaf left the den to search for herbs. "I'll check later, but you should rest for now."

"Okay..." Skypaw muttered.

Moonpaw! I'm coming! Skypaw dashed out of the camp.

"Skypaw?" Mistyfeather narrowed her eyes. "Where are you going?"

"Uhh...Hunting!" Skypaw answered. "I can't go to the gathering, but I want to help the Clan!"

"Good." Mistyfeather's tone softened. "Sure! You may go!"

"Okay!" Skypaw purred, and went into the woods.


Moonpaw padded with Willowheart, Leafshade and Fernshadow into the forest. They were on border patrol. Today is the Gathering! I can't wait to meet Skypaw...! Wait- I can't think like that!!! Ugh.

"Moonpaw, what are you thinking? You've been so distant since yesterday!" Willowheart slacked behind to chat with Moonpaw.

"I don't know..." Moonpaw lied. It's about Skypaw...

"You can tell me." Willowheart urged.

"Nothing." Moonpaw shook her head.

"Okay." Willowheart frowned. There was a sudden flash of icy blue between the bushes. Skypaw?! Is that Skypaw?! I knew I saw him before border patrol- I need to go check!

"Psst. Moonpaw!" Skypaw's whisper made Moonpaw turn around. It is him! I need to see him.

"Wait." Moonpaw hissed at him, and he nodded.

"Willowheart? Can I hunt on my own? I'll come back at moonhigh before the gathering." Moonpaw asked her mentor. Pleaseeee.

"Sure. Just remember to come back." Willowheart nodded. "And be careful, stay within RainClan borders!"

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