Chapter 3

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"Come on Moonpaw, it's time for the gathering." Willowheart nudged Moonpaw. Gathering? She stared at Willowheart in confusion. But the next gathering is a quarter moon later!

"What gathering?" Moonpaw asked, puzzled.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet. We're calling an emergency gathering to discuss the prophecy since SkyClan has told us that they also got the same prophecy from StarClan." Willowheart explained.

"I see. Okay! I'm coming." Moonpaw nodded, and followed Rainstar. I hope the other Clans have a good idea on what the prophecy is about!

Sunpaw caught up behind her. "Moonpaw! Wait for me!" He called, and she slackened her pace.

"When are you going to ask Rainstar about your medicine cat thing?" Moonpaw asked him as soon as he caught up.

"I don't know." He frowned. "Maybe after the gathering."

"Okay." She sighed. I really wish he becomes a medicine cat!

Finally, RainClan arrived around the Lake. Rainstar joined the leaders on the huge rock, and Willowheart joined the deputies.

Moonpaw stepped backwards to look at the whole view, but as she did so, she felt a warm pelt touch her fur. She turned around in surprise, and found herself meeting an icy blue tom staring at her with his blue eyes. He's so... blue. Moonpaw stared back. He looked like an apprentice, but Moonpaw wasn't sure.

"Who are you?" The cat asked.

"I'm Moonpaw from RainClan, who are you?" She told him.

"I'm Skypaw from SkyClan." Skypaw introduced himself.

"You also received the prophecy didn't you?" Moonpaw asked politely. Of course they did, we already know that!

"Yes." Skypaw replied, he kept staring at her, and it made Moonpaw's fur prick.

"Is there something on me?" Moonpaw asked self-consciously. Why is he staring at me like that?

"Oh. Sorry. No, I didn't mean to stare at you like that." Skypaw shook his head.

"Okay." Moonpaw liked chatting with him, he could be a friend. It's fine to just be friends.

"We should probably listen to what the leaders are going to say." Skypaw reminded her.

"Right." Moonpaw sat down, and waited for the leaders to start the gathering.


Beechwing choked and coughed as Swiftstar finally grabbed him out of the water. "Fine. I suppose you can live another day."

"Thank StarClan." Sightpaw murmured. "Beechwing, are you okay?!" He ran to his mentor's side, who was heavily breathing.

"Yes. I'm. Fine." Beechwing was still choking, and his eyes watered. Oh StarClan, please tell me he's okay.

"Sightpaw. You said you would do anything. So you would agree if I imprison every cat that disagrees with serving the Dark Forest?" Swiftstar asked cooly.

"It's better than killing them." Sightpaw nodded. I suppose.

"Okay. Beechwing. You're lucky my son just saved your life. Now you'll become our very first prisoner." Swiftstar dragged him back to the camp, and called to the guards, Grassnose and Dawnflight.

"Take him to the prisoners' den." He ordered, his eyes turning to slits as he stared with hatred at Beechwing. I feel I will become a prisoner soon. I remember the stories of TigerClan and LeopardClan. They killed without mercy and imprisoned so many cats that disagreed with them. And now... Tigerstar might do the same. Sightpaw shuddered, concerned, as the guards shoved Beechwing into the prisoners' den and locked him up inside. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Sightpaw gulped. What will happen to him now?

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