Chapter 10

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"I met Beechwing in StarClan!" Sighteye told the others and he heard them lift their heads from the water. I can't see anymore... Ugh.

"That's great! What did he say?" Dovepaw purred.

"I asked him what my name would've been, and he said Sightflame! I love it!" Sighteye purred. Sightflame is the best name I could hope for!

"Oooh! That's a really nice name, I'm calling you that from now on." Lakepaw agreed.

"Me too. I think all the medicine cats should call you Sightflame now, in memory of Beechwing!" Sunpaw suggested.

"Yes!" Sighteye yowled.

"Sure, why not?" Jayfrost mumbled. Even Jayfrost agrees?! He's the eldest out of all of us!

"Yes, Sightflame is a great name!" Amberfur purred.

"Thanks..." Sighteye mewed thankfully.

"Sightflame! Sightflame! Sightflame! Sightflame!" The medicine cats yowled. At least I have my medicine cat friends to help me get over some problems. He purred.

"We should be heading back now." Wishleaf told them after she finished.

"True." Sighteye agreed.

"See you around! I'll always remember you as Sightflame!" Dovepaw purred, and so did Snowpaw.

"Thanks, I think I'm going to go herb gathering later." Sighteye purred at all their support.

"Be careful, your blinded eyes..." Wishleaf started.

"I know, I know." Sighteye muttered. "I'll be careful."

"Good, now let's get back to camp." Minnowpelt purred.


"Sighteye, you're back!" Swiftstar's voice made Sighteye jump.

"Swiftstar." He remained calm, and smoothened his pelt. "I'm going to go herb gathering."

"Okay, we need more herbs anyways. Go now, come back earlier!" Swiftstar purred.

"Okay..." Sighteye nodded. How am I going to find herbs when I'm blind? Well I suppose I can just get some alone time... He padded out of WindClan's territory.

The air was clean and refreshing. It's been so long since I've left the camp for herb gathering... I forgot how relaxing it's like! Sighteye purred. The breeze touched Sighteye's flank and brushed his whiskers.

Maybe I can think about the Dark Forest and plans I can do to stop them, and maybe I can try to find some catmint... Sighteye thought blankly. Sightflame... Yes, Sightflame will find a way.

Suddenly, the cool windy air turned icy cold and the air had a rotten stench to it. Eww. Where did I go?

"Well, Sighteye. We meet again."


Snowpaw fluttered his eyes open as he felt cold wind ruffling his fur. Ah...I'm in the Dark Forest again...

"Snowpaw!" Tigerstar's eyes blazed with fury. "I know what you have done with the second task!"

"Well I finished it, according to your orders." Snowpaw shrugged.

"You need to do it for real!" Tigerstar snarled. "Not role-playing it!"

Snowpaw had nothing to say. He shivered as the cold wind was sweeping past him harshly.

"Well, well, well..." Tigerstar circled around Snowpaw slowly. "Let me think what punishment I'm going to give you." Tigerstar paused a bit. Is he going to kill me? The thought made him shudder. Surely not... He needs me to complete his tasks.

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