Chapter 6

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Moonpaw peeked into the medicine cat den to see how her littermate was doing. "Sunpaw? Amberfur?"

Sunpaw turned around to face her. "Moonpaw!" He purred.

"How's being a medicine cat apprentice like?" Moonpaw stared at the herbs displayed all around the den. Ugh. It smells so bad! How can he stand this stench! I'd better get washed off later...

"It's amazing! I learned about horsetail, catmint, and all that stuff. I'm about to learn poultices!" Sunpaw explained, but Moonpaw couldn't understand a thing.

"Okay... If you think it's fun then great! I don't really understand..." Moonpaw sighed.

"Don't you have to go training too?" Sunpaw asked suddenly.

"Oh! Yeah, I do. Thanks for reminding me. I gotta go meet Peachpaw, Shadeclaw, and Willowheart soon for battle training!" Moonpaw exclaimed.

"I hope Peachpaw beats you!" Sunpaw snorted.

"Well I want her to put up a battle, so, I wouldn't mind too much." Moonpaw retorted.

Sunpaw purred. "Well you have fun, see you soon!"

Moonpaw stared at him blankly. He seemed so used to being a medicine cat apprentice, yet he had only been one for a few sunrises. I don't understand... Skypaw would. She stopped herself. What?! No of course not!

"Willowheart!" Moonpaw raced to the deputy as she saw her waiting in the clearing beside the fully stocked fresh-kill pile.

"Moonpaw! Do you know where Peachpaw is? We're waiting for her." Willowheart purred.

"No." Moonpaw shook her head. "But I can go see if she's in the apprentice's den!" She offered.

"That would be great! Thank you." Shadeclaw murmured.

Moonpaw silently crawled into the apprentice's den, hoping not to wake any cat. I thought I saw Peachpaw sleeping here earlier. She frowned. She padded around the den, but couldn't find her.

"I can't find her! But I thought I saw her sleeping there before I did!" Moonpaw reported.

"Hmmm. That's interesting. I guess the battle training will have to wait..." Willowheart frowned.

"But-!" Moonpaw's eyes rounded. I waited for this battle training and now it's going to be cancelled?

"Moonpaw, how do you think we will do some peer battle training without another apprentice?" Shadeclaw reasoned. I suppose... Moonpaw grumbled.

Willowheart nodded in agreement, "Plus, don't you think Peachpaw's life is more important than battle training? We can have battle training next time."

"That's true. Okay. Let's find Peachpaw first." Moonpaw agreed, I hope Peachpaw's still okay. She is more important after all.

"Good." Willowheart purred. "You should go clean up the elder's bedding and help them pull off some ticks in the meantime."

"WHAT?!" Moonpaw exclaimed.

"You ought to do it, I haven't let you do that in a while now." Willowheart's eyes sparkled.

"Ugh. Fine." Moonpaw sighed. "But can I go help Sunpaw later? I want to hang out with him a bit."

"Of course. That's a good idea." Willowheart nodded.

"Yes! Okay, then I'll go." Moonpaw thanked her, and happily went to Sunpaw and Amberfur for some mouse bile.


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