Chapter 7

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Skypaw went straight towards his den warily. "Skypaw!" Mistyfeather called. "Where have you been! It's Sunrise now and you should train with me!"

"Later please," Skypaw answered drowsily. "I'm tired..."

"Why?" Mistyfeather asked a lot of questions. "Where have you been? What did you do? Why were you lurking outside the camp during nighttime?"

"I did something very important." Skypaw flicked his tail impatiently and went into the apprentices' den.

"You better explain the whole thing to me after you wake up!" Mistyfeather scowled.

"Okay!" Skypaw mumbled from the den.

"Ugh, cranky little apprentice you are, Skypaw!" Mistyfeather grumbled.

"I'm not!" Skypaw called back, and he drifted into sleep.

"Breezestar!" Skypaw was overjoyed to meet Breezestar, the former WindClan leader, in his dream.

"Hello, Skypaw." Breezestar greeted him.

"Are there any prophecies or stuff important to the Clans?" Skypaw asked, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Yes indeed." Breezestar nodded solemnly. "You need to learn from a daffodil."

"A daffodil?" Skypaw echoed in confusion. "Learn what? Like the flower daffodil or what?

Breezestar didn't answer, but his figure slowly faded away. "Wait! Breezestar!" Skypaw called.

A daffodil has six petals... We also have six Clans but...WindClan is an evil Clan, then it should be a flower with five petals..right? Skypaw racked his brain.

If it isn't related to the number of petals? Then is this a sort of medicine that we must find? Maybe the Dark Forest will cast some sickness upon us and we need daffodils to cure the sickness... But Breezestar said a daffodil...Not daffodils! Hmm, or maybe the extra 's' doesn't matter.

Or maybe a cat named Daffodil? That sounds oddly like a rogue... I don't think any Clans have a cat named Daffodil something right?

Skypaw soon went into another dream... He saw a tiny daffodil, but one of the petals was missing. Skypaw was worried and ran around to find the missing petal, but it suddenly snowed, and a petal landed on the daffodil, torn and weak. But that didn't matter, after a while, the daffodil turned into a strong one.

"Skypaw!" Mistyfeather pushed Skypaw awake.

"What-?' Skypaw grumbled in annoyance. I could've seen more!

"You slept for so long!" Mistyfeather exclaimed. "Now let's go and hunt."

"Coming!" Skypaw replied, pretending to be enthusiastic. I think I should understand the vision and the words that Breezestar tells me first, and then I should tell Mistyfeather.

I don't want to tell Clearstar or Wishleaf...Or else they would know I'm from WindClan! And they would know I lied to being a rouge, and might announce it in the Gathering! Then Swiftstar will try to stalk me down and kill me! I can't take the risk. Plus, what if there are traitors in SkyClan? I can't be that risky...


Darkstar decided to go out for a hunt. Hunting will make me stop worrying about Tigerstar!

Darkstar greeted his deputy and meowed. "I'm going to hunt."

Mintclaw nodded and started ordering patrols.

The sun was shining warmly on my pelt...The wind blew my fur softly...Such a nice day!

Darkstar had a good mood today and caught a thrush. He quickly buried it and continued to hunt.

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