Chapter 2

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Skypaw padded to his den drowsily and curled into a corner. Before he could settle down and go to sleep, his deputy's voice called to him.

"Skypaw," Blueshine called into the den. "Do you want to join a border patrol? They're going to leave at sunset."

"Okay.' Skypaw agreed. Going out might make my brain work better!

"You are going with Mistyfeather, Pounceclaw, Shimmerpelt and Brackenpaw." Blueshine added before leaving. "Don't forget to come at sunset for the patrol." She reminded him.

"Okay, I won't." Skypaw nodded, whisked his tail and trotted back to the apprentices' den to take a quick nap.

When it's sunset, Blueshine poked Skypaw awake. Skypaw yawned and mewed tiredly. "It's sunset already?"

"Yes, you sleepy mouse," Mistyfeather stood beside Blueshine. "Be quick, every cat is waiting for you!"

"Ok, ok, sorry Mistyfeather!" Skypaw exclaimed, he raced towards the patrol as fast as he could.

"Good." Mistyfeather praised him.

"Thanks!" He beamed, but then his smile faded away and he pretended to have one. This reminds me of my nightmare...

Skypaw winced when he recalled his memory. I hope they are okay...

"Skypaw?" Mistyfeather asked. "The patrol is going to leave. What are you thinking?"

"Nothing," He meowed.

Mistyfeather narrowed her eyes. "It's ok that you are not going to tell me, just don't lie to me."

Skypaw gulped. Does she know something?

Skypaw soon forgot everything he was worried about. He was too busy breathing in the fresh air.

He scampered around the grass that looks like a green carpet, and chased an iridescent butterfly around. He also looked at the clear blue sky, with some hawks and eagles soaring around.

As he was too busy relaxing his emotions mentally and physiologically, he went straight into the emergency patrol sent by Rainstar.

"Sorry!" Skypaw didn't even look at the cat he bumped into.

He finally looked at the cat and mewed surprisedly, "Willowheart, why are you here with a group of cats?"

"We need to find your leader to discuss a prophecy!" Willowheart explained calmly.

Prophecy!? Skypaw gulped.

"Uhhh... ok... sure!" Skypaw stammered. "I will lead the way."

"Skypaw!" Mistyfeather called at Skypaw urgently. "Don't run around the territory as if you are a new apprentice!"

"Wait-" Mistyfeather noticed the RainClan patrol. "Why are you here?"

"This is not RainClan territory." Mistyfeather narrowed her eyes.

"They need to find Clearstar to chat about a prophecy... I think it's the one we got too." Skypaw mewed.

Mistyfeather relaxed a bit and meowed. "Okay, follow me. We're going back to camp."

"Thank you." Willowheart nodded, and flicked her tail to her clanmates.

"Skypaw," Mistyfeather told him. "You go tell our patrol that I'm going back to the camp. They're there." He flicked his tail to the direction where the patrol was.

"Okay!" Skypaw nodded eagerly, and he dashed off towards the place Mistyfeather told him.

"I would've thought he's a WindClan cat." Willowheart looked at Skypaw for a long while.

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