Chapter 18

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Moonpaw quickly scurried up a tree, holding her breath so that they couldn't hear. I've just screwed myself up didn't I... I'll be in so much trouble!

"I don't see anything, Pebbleclaw." Fernshadow's confused mew surprised Moonpaw. Please don't find me...

"But... I could've sworn I heard something..." Pebbleclaw murmured.

"Maybe it was just a squirrel or something." Fernshadow suggested, and Moonpaw heard her slowly padding away. Phew... I guess I'm just great at hiding! She couldn't help but let out a little giggle, then shut her mouth and widened her eyes as she realized she had just exposed herself again.

"I heard it again!" Pebbleclaw whipped his head around and narrowed his eyes. Ugh! I shouldn't have been so excited! Now I'm so screwed...

"This time I heard it too..." Fernshadow murmured. "Is it... a cat?"

"I hope not." Pebbleclaw growled, and continued to circle around the border, sniffing for scents. It's great that I'm covered in RainClan scent already so they can't scent me.

"Might still be a squirrel though..." Fernshadow's footsteps seemed to be coming closer to Moonpaw. Her heart raced faster than ever, she was so tempted to pant for breath, but after the situation she's gotten herself into, it wasn't worth it. This is the most warrior code breaking thing I've ever done.

"I suppose so. I can't smell or see anything. And the first time I heard it going up the tree... so it's probably a squirrel." Pebbleclaw conceded, though hesitant with his response.

"Maybe we should leave it alone." Fernshadow shook her head and padded away. Please leave... Moonpaw held her breath.

The branch underneath Moonpaw suddenly started to shake from the wind. Her eyes widened but clinged onto the branch for her life. Oh StarClan not this!

"Though I still think there's something..." Pebbleclaw hesitated. Just go away! This tree is going to get me caught soon! Moonpaw stared at the waving branch as she continuously shifted her balance so she couldn't fall.

"It's fine, we can leave it. I don't smell anything, and it wouldn't be worth it to climb up the tree and check." Fernshadow flicked her tail dismissively.

"Yeah, I guess let's go. It's about time for the guards to change posts." Pebbleclaw finally agreed. Moonpaw's heart skipped a beat from happiness, although she kept silent.

As soon as they left the area, she jumped off the tree carefully without causing a racket. Skypaw, I'm coming!!!


The night had started to settle as the moon's brim light shone above the apprentice's den. Ethereal light brightened the area as Snowpaw curled up in his bedding, troubled. Just a few more minutes until I can leave... They seem to be all sleeping. He blinked a few times as he scanned the apprentice's den.

Suddenly, a tiny bit of movement made Snowpaw swing his head to the direction of the sound. A pair of eyes seemed to lock gazes with Snowpaw, and he stiffened. Under the faint light of the moon, he could make out a golden colored pelt of the cat. Shadepaw? Why is he awake? Did Tigerstar send him to spy on me? He quickly curled back up into the position of sleeping, though his heart was beating tremendously fast.

Once he blinked open his eyes again, the cat was gone. Huh? Snowpaw stood up silently and yawned. About time I suppose... He scanned the area once more, and spotted Shadepaw still sound asleep. But he was just... there... Snowpaw rapidly blinked a few times, although nothing changed. Whatever.

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