Chapter 5

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Skypaw looked up, he stared at the starry night alone. A group of stars scattered across the deep 'ocean', the gauze-like clouds seemed like the cotton he used that he lined on the bed.

He felt he was the loneliest cat in the world. Gazing at the sky, he suddenly thought of Moonpaw – the beautiful silver she-cat he had met in the gathering.

"Moonpaw..."He muttered. He gazed at the moon and thought about how pretty her pelt is under the moon.

He shuffled his paws uneasily as he thought of the warrior code. Ugh...The warrior code doesn't allow cats from different Clans to be mates!

He huffed while thinking about a deeper question. Why do I like her? Because she is beautiful? Because of her every movement? I don't know!

He tried to shift into a better position. But he couldn't find a way to keep him uncomfortable.

"Hello!" Hollypaw greated him. "Are you lonely?"

"Hi," Skypaw replied half-heartedly. "Nope."

"But you seemed so sad!" Hollypaw exclaimed.

Leave me alone! Skypaw hissed silently. "I'm fine. I'm fine." He meowed, trying not to show his impatience.

Hollypaw lowered her eyes "Okay...?" And turned away.

"Ah...Moonpaw!" Skypaw muttered again.

"What did you say?" Hollypaw looked back.

"Umm...Nothing!" Skypaw stammered. I really hope she didn't hear me! This can get Moonpaw and I into trouble!

"Moonpaw?" Hollypaw echoed. "Who's that?"

"I mean the moon is pretty!" Skypaw corrected quickly.

"Okay yeah!" Hollypaw nodded. "I agree!"

Skypaw sighed in relief and kept quiet.

"Hey!" Hollypaw asked. "Can I sit with you?"

Skypaw huffed and pretended to be nice and answered. "I'm sorry, but there's no more space!"

"Hmph. I see some space if you could just move a little bit." Hollypaw protested. Ughhhhhhh.

"I don't feel like moving." Skypaw grunted.

"Ughhh. Fine. I'll just sit alone." Hollypaw rolled her eyes and padded away to a different area behind Skypaw. That's fine I guess.

"Anyways..." Hollypaw shoved herself closer to Skypaw.

Skypaw screwed his nose as Hollypaw's scent tingled around him. Ewww...She smells bad...

"Uh...I know there's a place that can make you feel better!" Hollypaw suggested. "We can go there together!"

"No thanks." Skypaw mumbled. "I wish to be alone..."

"Pfft.." Hollypaw rolled her eyes. "Fine!" She lashed her tail angrily beside her and left.

Ughh..Why is she trying to get so close to me? I don't appreciate it! Skypaw sighed in annoyance.

Suddenly, Skypaw sensed a tiny movement in the bushes. What is that? Maybe a rabbit?

Skypaw slowly creeped towards the figure, but as he went nearer, he realized that it was a cat!

The figure seemed horrified and quickly scampered away. Ewww. He smells like a fish! Must be RiverClan.

Skypaw padded towards the place where the cat was before. He noticed prey just left there, and a strong scent of fish remained there.

That's forest prey! Only RainClan eats both forest prey and the creatures living in the river... But I'm sure RainClan wouldn't do this... right?

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