Chapter 16

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Exhaustingly, Snowpaw yawned as he lay on the bedding. It was nearly midnight, the moon was glowing a faint shade of white, glowing with all life.

Before Snowpaw could close his eyes, he heard a loud hiss. "Snowpaw!" He turned around, eyes wide. Tigerstar?

"Uh, greetings, my lord." Snowpaw gritted his teeth.

"Did you do the task I asked you to do?" Tigerstar bared his teeth.

"Oh they haven't come back yet, my lord." Snowpaw lowered his head, trying hard not to show Tigerstar how happy he was when they weren't back yet.

"They are coming back soon, anyways. " Tigerstar didn't seem to care. "Last warning, my power is not what you expected, and my followers are much more than you thought. Swiftstar has already followed my orders and put Sighteye in the prisoner's den. Now you will follow my orders too." His eyes narrowed at Snowpaw. Sighteye is being kept in the prisoner's den? But Swiftstar is his father! I need to save him!

Tigerstar whipped his tail and vanished into the dark woods, leaving Snowpaw, standing alone, scared and worried with the Clan cats' future.


"Snowpaw! Come and help us!" Minnowpelt called. "There were too many injuries!"

Snowpaw's paws went stiff and his heart beated faster than ever.

"I'm sorry Minnowpelt, but I don't know how to cure this." Snowpaw cringed a bit at his lie, but he still tried to make his voice sound trustful.

"That's easy!" Minnowpelt exclaimed. She quickly stopped treating the other patient and started showing Snowpaw the steps.

"Thanks, Minnowpelt." Snowpaw mumbled silently, but loud enough for both of them to hear.

After curing all the patients, Minnowpelt murmured. "I would have given you your medicine cat name, but when you told me you don't know how to cure that cat, I soon decided that you will need to learn more."

Snowpaw hung his head sadly, though he is still protesting in his heart. What can I do??? I was forced by Tigerstar!!!

"Snowpaw, I hope you can prove yourself worthy of a medicine cat." Minnowpaw eyed him again and walked into the medicine cat den. Great. Now I've disappointed her and can't get my medicine cat name. And I need to save Sighteye!


Sighteye's belly churned as he lay on the bedding. I'm getting really hungry... He hadn't eaten since yesterday. I feel like my throat's been clawed out! I'm starving... I finally understand what prisoners feel like... Sighteye moaned.

"Getting hungry already?" Appleflower's voice made Sighteye grunt. I'm relieved, but I'm also very annoyed that she's literally sneering at me. Of course I'm hungry... no...I'm ravenous! Sighteye sighed with mixed emotions.

"Ugh...Yes...I'm famished..." Sighteye groaned.

"Ha! Well well well, since you are the leader's son. I won't let you starve to death. Or suffer too much." Appleflower sounded disappointed. "You would've been fun to play with." Play with?!?!? Sighteye's mouth gaped open.

"Stop staring at me like that. Anyways, here's your prey. Be thankful I'm giving you that much." Appleflower snorted.

"Thanks...?" Sighteye muttered.

"You're getting your first suffering later." Appleflower snarled and trotted away. Oh no. That does not sound good. Sighteye's heart lurched. I suppose I should eat for now...I hate being a prisoner already and it's only been a day...

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