Chapter 15

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"I have gotten a new mission from the Dark Forest, and I gladly accepted it! Our task is to try to let all the Clans dislike RainClan!" Swiftstar purred. Not going to happen! I'm going to try my best and stop it. Sighteye told himself.

"No one likes RainClan!" Appleflower yelled.

"Yeah! WindClan is the best!" Grassnose and Dewhare supported. Stupid cats. RainClan is literally the best Clan out of all of us, and I'm not even RainClan. Sighteye muttered to himself.

"Good. Now ShadowClan has been helping by starting a battle with RainClan in my knowledge, and I can see they are battling soon! Now all we need to do is back them up and accuse them of trying to sabotage the Clans and that they are the evil Clan that wants to steal prey and steal herbs!" Swiftstar's voice turned sharp and proud. Ugh. I must stop this! I'm going to warn the medicine cats to tell their leaders that RainClan isn't really doing anything wrong and that it was just a mistake. I must tell Snowpaw to tell the Clans that he accidentally spilled catmint on the ground. And that the prey was because of a fox! Sighteye was pleased with his plan. I think the Half-moon Gathering is soon so that Swiftstar can't accuse RainClan yet. The Half-moon gathering is a few days before the Gathering! Perfect!

"WINDCLAN! WINDCLAN! WINDCLAN! WINDCLAN!" They cheered. Ugh. Literally Swiftstar probably doesn't even know what he's doing... Ugh.

"Clan dismissed! Also, who doesn't hate RainClan? Stay in the clearing." Swiftstar suddenly asked cooly. Here we go again with putting cats in the prisoners' den. I suppose I won't be forced to do so...

"Me." Sighteye puffed out his chest bravely as the rest left.

"Sighteye!" Swiftstar hissed at him. "Shhh!"

"Well well well. Sighteye doesn't hate RainClan... What does that mean... Swiftstar?" Tigerstar purred. "I see you prepared a prisoners' den to shove cats that don't hate RainClan into! Well what are you waiting for! Sighteye needs to go inside!" Oh well I completely forgot about the 'Tigerstar can overhear us' part. Uh oh. Sighteye stiffened

"Tigerstar, no!" Swiftstar begged. "Just because he doesn't hate RainClan doesn't mean he doesn't dislike RainClan!" He began. Well that's not true...

"I don't want to hear another excuse! I've given him enough chances! Everytime he disagrees I'm going to make you put him into the prisoners' den. You're lucky I promised not to kill him when he disagrees." Tigerstar bellowed.

"Okay, okay. Fine. How long?" Swiftstar's voice shuddered, and called to Appleflower. "Uh. Sighteye needs to go to the..." He sounded like he gritted his teeth. "The prisoners' den." He blurted.

"Okay..." Appleflower sounded surprised.

"Half a moon." Tigerstar ordered.

"Fine." Swiftstar sighed.

The next moment he knew, jaws grabbed his scruff and carried him to the prisoners' den. "In you go." Appleflower ordered.

"What if I don't go in?" Sighteye stood where he was. I'm not going willingly.

"Then I'll force you." Appleflower snarled.

"Force me." Sighteye muttered. "I'm not going in myself willingly."

"Fine. If you say so. You're lucky you are Swiftstar's son. I would've clawed your ears a thousand times for saying that." She grunted, and pushed Sighteye, but he didn't budge a bit. She growled in annoyance and kicked Sighteye's belly with her hind legs, and Sighteye landed into the den.

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