Chapter 14

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Snowpaw sighed as he heard the most familiar phrase. Seriously? A meeting again!?

Snowpaw padded towards the place under the highledge and rolled his eyes. Unluckily, he was caught by his father again. He looked up, and saw Darkstar glared at him.

Oops, I guess Darkstar saw me rolling my eyes at him...

Darkstar licked his chest fur and continued. "I found RainClan scents all over some herbs on the forest ground." He paused for a while, eager to see his Clanmates getting furious and yowling 'ShadowClan'.

"This again!?" Puddlestripe growled. "We can't let them do that!"

"See? I told you we shouldn't receive the prey from RainClan! They are planning something in their cheeky forest and river." A cat's voice rose in the noisy clearing, but Snowpaw didn't see who.

"Stop being a know-it-all cat, Thrushnose!" Blazefur growled. "You literally got so happy when we got so much prey!"

"I think we should attack RainClan!" Lionclaw unsheathed his claws and dug deep to the ground.

"ATTACK RAINCLAN! ATTACK RAINCLAN!" Most of the cats in the Clan called.

"We will use the plan that we discussed last time." Darkstar announced. "The same time, the same hunters, the same fighters! And we will win!" Darkstar ended with a yowl.

"SHADOWCLAN! SHADOWCLAN!" Most of the cats yowled again. Literally so dumb... The whole Clan except my friends and the medicine cats are mouse-brains.

Snowpaw flicked his tail and left the clearing even though he didn't hear the 'clan dismissed' order.

He heard Darkstar quickly end the meeting and ran towards him.

"What do you want?" Snowpaw grumbled impatiently. "As a medicine cat I don't have much time with your nonsense stuff."


Skypaw scrambled off his moss bedding when he heard Dovepaw say 'It's sunrise now'.

"You seem to be very excited." Dovepaw observed, and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh, I just want to catch some prey for our Clan!" Skypaw pretended to be really enthusiastic about that.

"I don't believe you!" Dovepaw sneered.

Skypaw panicked. Oh no! I don't want to be late for our meeting!

"Dovepaw!" Hollypaw demanded. "Let Skypaw be! You're not his mentor anyways!"

"Ugh, Hollypaw." Dovepaw rolled her eyes. "Well you, Skypaw, you better tell Wishleaf I didn't let you go anywhere, deal?"

"Of course I won't tell Wishleaf that!" Skypaw promised. I would be in more serious trouble than Dovepaw would.

"Can I go hunting with you?" Hollypaw asked.

Ahhh! Why can't the two she-cats let me be!?!?!?! Skypaw grunted. "Maybe next time. I feel like I need to stay alone today."

"Okay!" Hollypaw agreed happily. "Have a nice day!"

"You too!" Skypaw dashed out of the den right after speaking. I wish there's no guards!

Skypaw skidded to a halt when he saw Mistyfeather guarding. How is she not tired at all?

"Uh good morning, Mistyfeather!" Skypaw stammered. "I'm going to catch some fresh prey for our Clan!"

"That's nice!" Mistyfeather nodded.

"Can you tell Wishleaf that I was asleep for the past hours and stayed in the medicine cat den after she came back?" Skypaw begged.

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