Chapter 4

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"Tigerstar," Darkstar's throat rumbled, and he nodded respectfully. "ThunderClan decides to combine with ShadowClan, but only before and during the battle."

"Kill Sedgestar and the cats in ThunderClan who decide to listen to StarClan." Tigerstar ordered. "Once the battle has started."

Darkstar's fur perked with uneasiness. I can't do that! But the Dark Forest has something very important to me hostage...

"Remember," Mapleshade padded towards the two toms. "Kick or kill the cats who decided to listen to StarClan in ShadowClan as well, just like WindClan..." WindClan! Swiftstar seems so kind and loyal to StarClan! Darkstar's fur bristled.

"You must put some deathberries in ThunderClan's prey when you combine into DarkForestClan and share prey together." Tigerstar demanded. "Try to ask one more Clan to join this. Not every Clan, we don't want ShadowClan being attacked."

By the time you asked me to do this, you are already making ShadowClan being weak and make others have suspicion over ShadowClan! Darkstar hissed silently. But not WindClan!

"Do not tell any cat about WindClan," Tigerstar warned. "If you told any cat-" Tigerstar's eyes gleamed, and he eyed Darkstar coolly. "Wait and see..." He snarled and looked Darkstar straight in his eyes.

"You never know how powerful the Dark Forest is..." Tigerstar smirked. Can he hear what I say to the other cats in the morning? Or can he read my mind?

Darkstar shivered and meowed. "Of course I won't betray you, my Lord."

"Good," Tigerstar nodded slowly. "We will teach some cats that are loyal to us the Dark Forest moves. And we will defeat StarClan! MUAHAHAHA!" Tigerstar laughed evilly.

I don't know what to do! Darkstar thought miserably. If only I know the Dark Forest cats' powers...


The next day after the gathering, Snowpaw burst into the leader's den and meowed urgently. "Darkstar! You shouldn't kill Sedgestar and the good cats in ThunderClan."

That scared the soul out of Darkstar. He told himself to calm down and asked sweetly. "Oh no no no, you must have made some mistakes, we are going to defeat the Dark Forest together!"

Snowpaw just simply stared at Darkstar, waiting for him to continue. Darkstar was a bit embarrassed and coughed a bit, "You must have mistaken!"

Snowpaw shook his head, "Father, I know you, you are lying to me right now. What happened? Why can't I know?"

"You can't know because this is leader stuff!" Darkstar covered himself by shouting at Snowpaw. "Now LEAVE!" He demanded.

Snowpaw turned his head and stared at his father, "Who. Is. The. Evil. Clan?" He slowly meowed. "I know you know it." Darkstar felt like his secrets were all read by Snowpaw's icy blue eyes.

"I don't know." Darkstar stammered. "And I don't need to tell you!" He snarled. "I'm your father! Listen to me and leave!"


Snowpaw went back to the medicine cat den, sorting herbs grumpily. I wonder what happened- He sighed. Darkstar is always mad after he wakes up. But he won't tell me what he dreamed! Snowpaw thought frustratingly. We could've solved the problem together!

He stormed out of the medicine cat den. "Wait-" Minnowpelt called. "Snowpaw, you sorted these all wrong."

"Did I?" Snowpaw stomped back to the den. "What-When did I put Deathberries and Catmint together!?"

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