Chapter 17

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Skypaw dashed back to his camp quietly. Great, no cat had noticed me yet...

He purred satisfiedly and scurried back to his den, he urged himself to sleep but he couldn't, his mind was spinning with the gathering with Moonpaw.

I love her... he breathed, he could still somehow smell the beautiful scent of her, lingering in the air. I must find a way to be mates with her!

(From this point forward the whole book [Only like one chapter and a bit more] is written by LordRain888/AKA me, the one who wrote this)


Skypaw could hear ShadowClan and RainClan's battle in his den. Ugh, this again? I thought this was over. I hope Moonpaw is okay.

He yawned, and whilst grooming himself, he heard the faint retreat of ShadowClan. Oh good, I just wish Moonpaw wasn't badly injured.

"Hey Skypaw! Did you hear that ShadowClan and RainClan battled again?" Hollypaw walked up to him and lay down beside Skypaw. Ugh, Hollypaw again?

"Yes, of course I did! I don't understand, they are always fighting and fighting and fighting." Skypaw sighed, slowly edging away from Hollypaw, but she just came closer. She smells like a pond! She's the opposite of Moonpaw! Ugh. Skypaw scrunched up his nose to block out the black apprentice's stench.

"I know right? SkyClan hasn't been in any battles yet! We're the best Clan! RainClan just wants an alliance with us so that they can act like they are the best Clan!" Hollypaw purred and boasted. I can't believe she just said that. Skypaw's throat rumbled with annoyance. RainClan is the best Clan, with or without Moonpaw.

"Of course not, are you mouse-brained? RainClan is actually better than us, they are more skilled and never steals anything!" Skypaw couldn't help but growl at her, Hollypaw was really getting under his fur. Her eyes shimmered with hurt and blinked a few times as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. What, am I too harsh? He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. It's not my fault she was being so mean to RainClan.

"Oh, yeah. I didn't think about that." Hollypaw mumbled and took a few steps away from him. At least she's getting away from me. But I can't help but feel like I'm too harsh... A pang of guilt struck at Skypaw.

"It's... alright. Sorry if I was a bit harsh." Skypaw muttered. As soon as he finished that sentence, Hollypaw's eyes lit up immediately.

"Do you want to go hunting together?" She suddenly changed the topic. What?! Skypaw was startled as she turned to stare into his crystal blue eyes.

"Uh...I would rather stay at camp. woken up by their battle so...I would like to go back to sleep." Skypaw stammered. I suppose half of it is true... I did get woken up by the battle.

"Oh okay then! I'll stay here with you!" Hollypaw purred and her tail wrapped around Skypaw. What in the name of StarClan- Why did she do that?! Ugh she just likes to stick around me and it's really annoying! I wish Moonpaw was here instead...

"Hollypaw! Time for battle training with Dandelionpaw! She and Hermitlight are waiting in the hollow already." Squirrelpelt padded over and called to her. Thank StarClan... Skypaw let out a sigh of relief. "Ooh, and what's this I see here? Skypaw and Hollypaw, do you to like each other...?" He purred.

"No! Of course not!" Flustered, Skypaw scrambled to his feet and broke away from Hollypaw's tail. I'm such a mouse-brain. I shouldn't have let her wrap her tail around me!

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