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"Vocabulary test will be on Wednesday, class dismissed." Johnny spoke, erasing the white board. The students began to pack up their belongings, Chenle still spacing out.

"Chenle, dear, please stay after class." Johnny said, causing the Chinese to flinch back to reality, looking up at the clock.

Chenle gasped, quickly gathering up his papers and notes, putting them in his bag as he walked towards his teacher's desk.

"Sorry, Mr. Seo. I-I was just-"

"Chenle, is everything alright? At home, I mean. You've been so out of it lately." Johnny asked, criss crossing his fingers together as he gave a worried expression to the boy. Chenle gulped slightly, nodding.

"Y-Yeah, it's all good." he lied, looking down at his shoes, fiddling with the hem of his sweater. Johnny raised a brow at the younger. "You're a bad liar, Chenle."

The Chinese sighed, letting out a defeated expression. "M-Mr. Seo.." he spoke softly. Johnny's eyes faltered slightly, getting up from his seat to approach the smaller.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? Let's talk, okay?" the older said, guiding the younger to an empty desk as he closed the classroom door.
Chenle looked down at his desk, his fingers jittering slightly, Johnny noticed before grabbing the boy's hand to stop the anxious movements. The Chinese bit his lip timidly, letting out a small apology before sniffling.

"My family is breaking again.." Chenle spoke, his teacher letting out a silent gasp at the statement. The boy shook his head as he felt his tears well up again.

"My father is going bye bye," he continued, pressing the palm of his hands against his cheeks trying to focus on not crying. Johnny nodded, listening to the boy as he gently rubbed his back, trying to comfort him. Chenle let out a tiny whimper, thinking about everything that had happening to his family the past few months.

"Well you see, sometimes things aren't meant to be forever. It's life, Chenle." Johnny replied, letting the boy lean against his bicep.

"Mr. Seo," Johnny gave the smaller a comforting smile. "Yes, Chenle?" The younger hummed.

"Mama said that father won't be able to hurt us after the divorce, so I should be happy, right?" the boy asked. Johnny blinked at the statement, raising a brow. He stopped his movements before staring at the younger in pure shock. Chenle noticed the older's expression, tilting his head in confusion.

"Mr. Seo?"

"Chenle, have you been abused at home?" the younger nodded.

"Father has been cheating on Mama for the past 6 months, he used to beat my sister and ever since she left, I've been the replacement."

The teacher gaped at the sentence, getting up slowly before going towards Chenle's side, crouching down to his height, staring at his forced grin.

"I guess I'm just a crybaby, right? I'm crying that my father is leaving although he's done so march harm to us. I'm sorry for being overdramatic, I'll pay attention more in class and get my assignments done, and-"

"Chenle, how long ago did your sister leave?" Johnny asked, cutting off the younger's rambling. Chenle paused before speaking again.

"Almost three years, now." he responded.

"You've been living in this type of household ever since you were a freshman? You've been my student the whole time this has been happening at home and I never seemed to noticed? Chenle," Johnny frowned, remembering bruises Chenle has had throughout the years along with coming to class with a limp.
"Sorry I'm late!" a freshman Chenle exclaimed, running into the classroom with a slight limp in his walk. The teacher let out a small hum, writing in his attendance book before looking at the younger.

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