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The following content contains harsh words that could be triggering to some readers. Please skip if you are uncomfortable!!

"Fucking whore! I bet you were cheating while I was away!"

"I-I'm not! I promise all I have done is stay at home with Chenle!"

"Motherfucking liar!"


Chenle quickly closed his door and locked it as he heard the sounds of his mother screaming and his father yelling.

Crashes and sounds of shattering glass filled the house. Chenle began to feel tears fall from his eyes as he tried hiding in his closet.

His father had come back home from his business trip, unfortunately, he came back drunk and now he's letting his anger out at his wife. Beating her, yelling at her, blaming her for things she never done, and what does she do? She let's him.

Chenle quickly picked up his phone, dialing a number.

Jisung's phone started ringing as he got out of the shower. Seeing Chenle's ID, he immediately picked up, wrapping a towel around his waist.


"J-Jisung?" a voice squeaked. Jisung's eyes widened as he quickly walked into his bedroom.

"Chenle? What's wrong? Are you okay?" he asked.

"Jisung, help. I'm-"


"WHY DID I MARRY SUCH A USELESS SLUT LIKE YOU?!" Jisung paused as he heard screams from the other line.

"Chenle, what's happening? What's that noise?" he quickly asked, worried for the older.

Soft cries could be heard from the other line. Jisung hummed softly, trying to calm the older.

"Lele, please tell me what's wrong so I could help you, hm?"Jisung said softly, hearing the older sniff quietly.

"C-Can I come over?" Chenle asked, "I can't leave my bedroom, but I'll escape through my window." Jisung hummed, "Okay, but don't hurt yourself, I'll be waiting at my front door."

Jisung quickly changed before heading out to his front porch, worry filling his eyes as he saw a familiar blond running his way. 

Chenle quickly threw himself in the taller's arms as he began to sob. Jisung stood still, petting the boy's hair. "We can talk about it in my bedroom, okay?" he whispered, wiping tears off the older's face. Chenle nodded, following Jisung to his room.

Jisung sat Chenle on his bed as the older began to cuddle Chenji, staying quiet. Jisung didn't push the older to explain, instead he sat next to the older, beginning to play with his hair.

The two stayed in that position, Chenle hugging the bear, leaning his head on the taller's shoulder, Jisung running his fingers through the older's hair. No words, just silence. Chenle's cries softened and was replaced with quiet breaths.

"My father," Chenle spoke, breaking the silence. Jisung hummed, letting him finish his sentence. "He's an addict." Jisung sat up and looked at the older with worry. Chenle looked down at his lap.

"He usually leaves home due to business trips and his job, but almost ends up coming home really drunk or high." the older said again, tears falling from his eyes.

"Since the drug messes with the brain, he believes things his mind tells him and lashes out at my mother. He barely cares for us. All he does is hurt us." he continued, already crying again. Jisung frowned and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

Chenle wrapped his arms around the younger's neck, crying into his shoulder. "It hurts Jisung. I don't like it! Make it stop!" he screamed. Jisung held the boy tighter, rubbing circles into his back.

"He comes home after being gone for what? 3 days? 2 weeks? And he comes home a completely different person. He's not the same man who raised me. He's a stranger!" Chenle cried.

"He abuses my mom verbally, tries to hurt her. He pretends to be a father for me but I know he could care less.." the older said softly, he looked up from Jisung's shoulder, staring into his best friend's eyes.

"Jisung," Chenle breathed, the younger looked at him, nodding in response, hearing what he has to say. "Jisungie, I don't like my home. It doesn't feel like home. Jisungie, I want to cry. Jisungie.." Chenle looked down, burying his face into the younger's chest.

Jisung nodded, hugging the older.

"I never told anyone about my family. I've always dealt with it myself. Thank you, Jisungie." Chenle whispered, snuggling closer into the boy's chest. Jisung smiled, playing with his hair.

"Thank you for trusting me, Lele." he replied softly. 

Jisung lied him and Chenle down on his bed, the stuffed bear in the middle of them. The two just looked at each other's eyes before Jisung broke the silence. "I don't want you to feel alone, Lele. Come to me if you ever feel sad, okay?" Jisung whispered. Chenle nodded as he crawled closer to the younger.

"You'll keep me safe?" he giggled. Jisung nodded, pushing Chenle's bangs out of his face. "Go rest, it's only the best thing to do after crying so much tears." Jisung whispered, hugging the boy. Chenle nodded, closing his eyes, leaning against Jisung's chest.

Jisung smiled as he watched the older, soft snores escaping from his lips.

Today, I learned a part of you that made me realize how much I want to protect you. I don't want to see you cry like this again.

a/n no one comments on this book and it makes me feel lonely but that's okay, it takes time to make a book worth reading, right?

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