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"And then the tree grew flowers!"

Johnny chuckled as he listened to his student explain the drama he had watched.

"It seems like a very interesting drama." he said, smiling. Chenle nodded.

"It's really good! You should watch it!"

Jaemin then grabbed the boy's arm, making him sit on one of the desks. "Chenle, Mr. Seo has papers to grade." he said, the younger frowning.

"I'm sorry, you can continue working, Mr. Seo." he pouted, Johnny shook his head and smiled. "It's okay, Chenle. Go hang with your friends for now, okay?" Chenle nodded, joining his friends' conversation.


"Haechan, what?"

Chenle giggled as he sat on one of the desks, listening to their conversations.


"Hey, sorry I'm late." a voice said.

Everyone turned towards the classroom door, Jisung stood awkwardly, holding a tumbler.

"I stopped by Kung Fu Tea to buy, uh, tea, lmao."

Haechan laughed. "This bitch really said lmao out loud, lmao."

"Bitch, you just said it out loud too!" Renjun exclaimed, Jeno hushing the two down.

Jaemin smiled, looking at the two youngest.

"So how have my babies been doing?" he asked the youngest.

"I thought we were your babies." Jeno spoke up, gesturing to him and Renjun. Jaemin sighed. "You are my babies, but Jisung and Chenle are here, so,"

Jisung smiled. "We've been great, hyung. Right Chenle?" the black haired asked. The smaller not even paying attention, but looking at the younger's tea.

"Jisungie, can I have a sip-" he was cut off when the younger held another tumbler in front of his face. "Oh?"

Jisung chuckled. "I knew you were going to ask, so I bought one for you too." he replied. Chenle nodded and giggled. "Thank you, Sungie!"

Jaemin cooed at the two, before jumping at Jisung.

"Sooooooooooooo," he started. The two looked at him. "Soooooooooooooo?" Chenle asked, confused. Jaemin snickered.

"How's the cuddle buddy thing going?" Jisung blushed as Chenle smiled.

"Really good!" the smaller exclaimed. Jaemin grinned. "I see, care to explain?" Chenle nodded excitedly, while Jisung just stood trying to hide his blush.

"A few days ago, Sungie and I had a sleepover and he dressed me up in a really big hoodie!" the smaller started, Jisung widening his eyes at the way the older had worded his sentence. Jaemin mischievously eyed the youngest.

"Oh my, he dressed you?" he smirked. Jisung shook his head as Chenle nodded.

"But I accidentally dropped the pants in the toilet so I just wore my panties-"

"Boxers! They're called boxers, Lele." Jisung exclaimed, slightly covering the older's mouth.

"But mommy and Jie called them that." Chenle replied. Jisung cooed slightly, bringing the boy into his arms. "Those are female boxers, Lele." Chenle nodded, melting into his arms.

Although the two were just friends, Chenle still found warmth and a safe feeling around the younger. Like he had someone taking care of him, he enjoyed it. Why? Because his parents stopped showing such affection when he began to grow older. This was another reason why he enjoyed being babied at times.

Jisung smiled, caressing Chenle's chubby cheeks. He leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Whispering something in his ear before pulling away. Which resulted in the smaller giggling and Jaemin screeching really loud.

Everyone turned towards the pink haired boy, confusion spread across their faces. Jaemin chuckled awkwardly.

"Hah... I thought I saw a bug, no worries."

The bell then rang signaling that classes were gonna start soon. The boys grabbed their bags, greeting their teacher before leaving to their first period.

"What are the layers of the atmosphere?" Mrs. Kang asked her students.

Chenle hung his head low as he played with his pencils. He flinched slightly as he felt someone throw paper at him.

The blonde looked down, finding a paper ball near his foot. Picking it up, he opened it, reading the message written on it.

you look kinda pretty today chenle

The blonde scrunched his nose in disgust before looking around the classroom. Jisung was too busy taking notes, as for everyone else in the classroom. He decided to just ignore the note and toss it aside.

He started to actually pay attention before he got hit by another paper ball. He looked around the classroom before opening the letter again.

we should go out
- shin yuna

Chenle frowned at the letter before shoving the letter in his bag. He looked at the seat behind him, finding a sophomore girl with dyed red hair grinning at him. He rolled his eyes, grabbing a piece of paper.

Yuna smiled as Chenle handed her a note back. Giggling, she opened the letter only to find a rejection.

"Ugh, worth a try." she mumbled, shoving the letter in her bag.

Jisung stood by the older's desk as he was packing up his bag.

"You seem angry, Lele." the taller spoke, picking up his bag, handing it to the smaller. Chenle gave a soft thank you before putting the bag over his shoulder.

"I'm not mad, I'm just angered." the blonde replied, cheeks puffing out. Jisung chuckled slightly, poking his cheek. "Why are you angered?" he asked, following him out the classroom.

Chenle took out the crumpled piece of paper throwing it at the younger. Jisung quickly caught the paper ball and straightened it out, reading the note. He felt slight anger building inside of him, but decided to ignore it.

"Uhm, did you say yes?" he asked, slowly hoping the older said no.

Chenle made a disgusted face before shaking his head. "Ew no, why would I say yes? I don't want to date, let alone a girl. It's annoying." he replied, Jisung slightly feeling relieved. He then looked at the older.

"Why wouldn't you want to date?" he asked, Chenle looked up at the taller.

"It's too much work. I would rather spend my time drinking boba, watching anime and kdramas than to make room for a significant other." he replied. Jisung nodded, continuing to walk next to the older. Chenle smiled.

"Besides," he continued.

"You're already my cuddle buddy, I can't just leave you hanging." he grinned, not noticing how Jisung's face blushed a bright red.

ba dum~

I want to shove you in my pocket and run, ohmygod, Jisung Park get yourself together!

a/n jisung do do be catching feels (even if he's somewhat oblivious)

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